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"nah she just wants to fuck like everyone else and dip" i shake my head, laina shrugs while finishing the blunt.

"don't you?" she asks raising an eyebrow, i shake my head immediately making her roll her eyes.

i can't have sex without the love.

"man that shit was good damn" she says stepping on the roach, i hum in agreement.

we're at some party, i have no fucking clue where she got the blunt, "the dealers are probably still around here" i shrug opening my phone.

"you're right" she mutters, "i'm gonna go find them" she says running off, i chuckle and continue scrolling through my timeline.

i lift up my head to look around and my eyes fall on a familiar person making my eyes widen and try to look away before she notices me by it's too late.

i look back down on my phone as i hear her come over, i glare up at her as she sits across me.

we stare at each other for a few minutes before i break it, "how are you baby?" she asks cockily making me roll my eyes.

"i have a actual name" i tell her making her roll her eyes, before she can respond someone comes up to her.

i watch as she sells some weed and pre-rolled blunts and count the money before the person leaves.

"who would have thought i could see you outside of the club" she says sitting on the edge of her chair.

"i don't know at this point i think you're stalking me" i tell her with a teasing grin.

"maybe i am" she chuckle. laina soon runs up and plops next to me with a drink, "man i couldn't find weed" she pouts.

"this is who you have been looking for" i say pointing at the girl across us reminding me that i don't even know her name.

"oh shit it's you" laina giggled as she squints her eyes looking around before leaning over to drunkly whisper.

"you got weed? your shit is good" she says dragging out, we both burst out laughing at her drunk state.

she checks her fanny pack before pulling out two last blunts and looks at her, "the last two" she says.

"fuck yeah. you take card?" she asks making me face palm myself.

"no i don't"

"aw man billie give me money" she says turning to me, i give a look making her roll her eyes.

"i didn't bring cash" i shrug.

"listen i can give you these last two if you make your friend agree to go on a date with me" she negotiates with laina making my eyes widen.

they both looking at me making me roll my eyes, "not happening" i chuckle making laina roll her eyes.

"cmon when was the last time you've been on a date, it'll be fun" she says making me shake my head.


"atleast let me get your number" the girl says nicely but i'm not having it.

i could give her a fake number.

"alright give me your phone" i say, she gives me a big smile while unlocking her phone to hand it over.

"no fake number because i'm calling you right now to make sure" she says making me immediately erase the whole thing.

"then never mind" i suck my teeth handing over the phone.

"man" she groans, "at least a little kiss" she says motioning a tiny bit.

"man i'm really stooping low right now because i could get hella money for this" she sucks her teeth.

i stare at her for a second before sighing, "okay fine but i'm having one of those blunts" i tell laina.

the girl beams widely while handing the blunts over to laina, who stands aside to let her come closer.

she stands over me while lifting my chin up and stares at me for a second before leaning forward to swiftly connect our lips.

i place my hand on her hand that was holding my jaw, she drops her hand to my waist making me cup her face.

i take her tongue in my mouth making her hum as she makes out with me before taking full control.

"get it" laina drunkly cheers making me pull away but she pulls me back to kiss me.

i bite her bottom lip softly as we pull away before i push her chest away and snatch the blunts off laina's hands to hide my blush.

"my names dakota by the way" she says taping my chin before leaving basically skipping away excitedly.

i exhale a breath i didn't know i was holding before biting my lip and glance behind me where she disappeared.

"you liked it"

i look over at laina, who is grinning childishly while lighting up her blunt, i shrug a bit.

"she is a fucking great kisser" i mumble unlocking my phone to message zoe.

"just give the girl a chance for free drugs damn" she says blowing out some smoke.

"not happening" i chuckle

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