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my eyebrows furrow as i look at the missed call from billie and messages, first one is a video of her wearing my cap.

she's hot and adorable.

i clicked play on the voice message and increase the volume, "hi baby, i know you're probably busy with your friendsss" she says dragging out.

"but i miss you and i just wanted to talk to you for a few minutes but it's okay" she says in her shy mumble but loud enough for me to hear.

"you didn't answer when i called so i'm guessing you're having fun, i'll see you tomorrow and call me tonight if you do see my message" she says ending the voice message.

i didn't even realize the big smile on my face or how everyone has gotten quiet listening to the message until aiden was first to point it out.

"you really got her ass whipped" he chuckles, "she's whipped herself, look at that big ass goofy smile" jay points up.

"shut up" i laugh flipping both of them off, "i'm gonna go call her though, give me a sec" i say getting up and walk out the back door.

the phone rings four times before billie answers the facetime, "hi angel" i greet her taking a stroll in the yard.

"hello you, you good? you having fun?" she asks with a grin and her head tilted to the side as she watched me through the screen.

"i'm good, you look cute with my hat" i tell her watching her blush, i hear laughter behind the screen making her glare at whoever is there.

"but i'm having fun, are you?" i chuckle at my own question, she nods with her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

"i just missed you, as lame as i may sound" she says shyly making smile in admiration of the girl.

"it doesn't sound lame, i miss you too" i tell her taking a seat on the outdoor chair, "but what are you guys doing today?" i ask her.

"hmm we went shopping earlier and now we're chilling about to eat some edibles and watch porn" she laughs showing her friends scattered around the living room.


she nods while holding back a laugh, "it wasn't my idea" she says with a laugh.

"i don't mind baby" i tell her reassuringly making her nod.

"who are you with?" she asks fiddling with her ear, by that i immediately know where her overthinking has taken here.

"aiden, jay, rick, literally everyone who was at the club and we're just chilling with drinks" i tell her as i start walking back inside.

"i promise you there's no funny business or anything you should worry about yeah?" i tell her.

she nods slowly as i enter the house again, "this is everyone, you'll get to properly meet them one day" i tell her showing her around.

they all excitedly wave making me chuckle, "okay, i'm sorry fo-" she starts but i cut her off.

"don't apologize, i told you that i got you and i wouldn't do that shit to you princess" i tell her quietly so not everyone is listening to our conversation.

"okay" she says softly with blush coating her cheeks, "have fun" she says with a small grin,

"you too baby" i tell her and pretend to kiss her when she does the same before we end the call.

"shit she got your ass kissing your phone too" aiden laughs making me hit him over the head.

"shut up" i chuckle while trying to hold back a smile, "man fuck you" i tell him while taking my drink again.

"please you guys are so cute" ava gushes as the call ended, i look around the girls nodding in agreement.

"she is pretty cute" i mumble to myself while fiddling with my phone trying not to blush.

"now i don't know what you are afraid of because that girl is so head over heels for you" laina says making me kiss my teeth.

"i know and i am for her too" i groan throwing my head back and cover my face.

"how many times have you guys fucked?" laina asks randomly making me pull a face looking at her.

"only twice" i shrug making them pull a surprised face.

"i would think you guys fuck everyday, you have a sex drive of a nympho" eve says making everyone agree.

"no i don't" i deny with wide eyes.

"you so do, it use to be 'ugh i'm so horny' 'i need to find a sneaky like' sex this, sex that with you" laina says making me roll my eyes.

she's right.

"i just love sex" i shrug, "this talk is making me horny because i'm getting flashbacks" i laugh.


"please she knows how to dick me down that's for sure" i daydream while bite my lip in thought.

"that silicon must be good then" eve says making us laugh.

"sureee" i drag out side eying her but she doesn't think much about it.

"but nah man i haven't really felt the need to have sex, the first time we just got to caught up when it was suppose to be just a dance and second time was just random as hell now that i think about it because we were chilling and next thing you know" i shrug.

"wait y'all fucked in the club??" lina asks with wide eyes making me nod embarrassed.

"i swear i cleaned the whole room after" i defend myself while they sit there in shock.

"it was totally her" they all say at once agreeing with each other, i look at them confused as they nod at each other.

"you're loud as hell, you heard shit going down in one of the private rooms and now we know it's you" laina says making me blush embarrassed.

"damn strap game must be really good then" eve says making me laugh.

"okay but can we talk about how she's been glowing"

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