twenty three

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"you look so sexy right now" i tell dakota tilting my head as fold my arms on the table.


"mmh" i hum watching her pour the drink in a cup and slide it over to me.

"thank you baby, try it and be honest" she says pointing her finger at me, i roll my eyes and take a sip of the drink.

it tastes the same.

"it taste good, it literally taste how it should taste" i tell her asking for a straw to drink it.

she nods before she gets called somewhere else, i sip on my drink while glancing at her work.

"when are you finishing? i'm ready to go home before they call me back to do private shows" i ask her as she wipes the table in front of me.

"the next bartender should be coming in, in less than an hour then i am done but you know you can take my car and i will take a uber home" she tells me glancing up at me.

"nah, i'll wait" i smile at her and ask for her phone since i forgot to charge mine last night.

she hands it over and moves along with her job while i log in my instagram to scroll through it.

i feel someone take a seat next to me making me glance up at the girl who has taken a seat next to me.

"hi" she greets sweetly, i give her a smile and nod while sipping on drink only to realize it's finish making me huff.

"can i buy you a drink?" the girl asks sweetly making me look at her and stare at her for a bit before nodding.

"that would be great, thank you" i smile sweetly as she call dakota over.

"can i have a raspberry rickey mocktail please, on her tap?" i ask giving her a big smile.

"of course" she mumbles preparing the drink and slide it over.

"thank you baby" i thank her asking for a kiss, "of course princess" she says pecking my lips once more and goes on with her job.

"are you guys- are you-" the girl stutters making me nod as i drink my drink.

"thank you for the drink" i smile sweetly making her mentally battle with herself.

"i didn't know you were- i was buying you the drink in hopes of maybe getting your number" she chuckles nervously with glancing over at dakota.

"you never asked if i was seeing someone" i chuckle watching her rub her neck before mumbling words and gets up to disappear in the crowd of people.

"you're the worst" dakota says jokingly standing in front of me, i shrug with a laugh and give her a sip of my drink.

"i got a free drink" i grin giving her a sip and bounce my eyebrows with a innocent smile.

"okay, you should get your things ready. i'm clocking out now" she tells me making me nod.

i take both our phones and my drink making my way to the back to get my bag.

i meet dakota by the back door and we walk out to the car, "how was your first day?" i ask entering the car.

"good but this shit is tiring" she chuckles pulling out, "how was your day today baby?"

"it was good" i shrug putting on some music, she places her hand on my thigh softly.

"i'm thinking about getting another tattoo" she says.

"oh yeah, where?"

"i don't know yet, i don't even know where i want it" she shrugs with a laugh.

"i was also thinking about getting a back piece" i tell her making her smile while looking over at me.

"fuck yeah, do it" i laugh at her excitement and nod.

"i will" i nod, "when are you planning on stopping with the selling?" i ask nervously.

"once i get my first paycheck" she tells me, "i promise you mama, i will be done with that shit" she tells me taking my hand to give it a squeeze.

"okay" i mumble, "where am i going to get free weed now?" i ask her with a pout.

"aiden, jay, rick, all my friends sell. my mom grows it in her garage" she shrugs making me drop my mouth a bit.

"i swear your mom is the best, i'm trying to be like her" i suck my teeth.

"you're half way there. gay and a stripper" she teases pulling into my driveway.

"fuck off" i laugh pushing her shoulder away, i collect my things and hop out.

"you're not coming in?" i jerk my lip purposely but she shakes her head either.

"not today baby" she says getting out of the car to hug me, "i'll see you tomorrow though" she says picking up my head.


"don't frown like that" she says fixing my brow and pecks my lips, "i just wanna spend some time with my best friend, he was busy whining earlier for never being home" she tells me making me nod.

"okay, i'll see you tomorrow" i laugh leaning up to peck her lips.

"let me see you get in" she says making me roll my eyes, i wave as i walk in the apartment building and watch her get in her car.

she waits for me to disappear before driving off.

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