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"i will pick you up baby" dakota says parking behind the club.

"you know im getting out at 3am, laina will drop me off. don't stress" i tell her collecting my things.

"nah i want to pick you up" she says holding my hand, i nod leaning over to peck her lips.

"i'm gonna go sell a few stacks and head back home, just give me a call when you're ready" she tells me.

"of course, be safe please" i ask cupping her face, she nods with small smile.

"of course i will" she says softly while pecking my lips.

"now you go shake your ass" she jokes making me roll my eyes with a laugh.

"bye baby" i say as she rolls down the window watching me leave.

"bye angel" she waves.

she looks hot in her camaro.

i make my way through the back doors and hear dakota pull out soon after, i make my way to the dress room.

i greet laina on the way, "how was your date?" i look over at her with a teasing smile while giving her eyes.

"i told you to give her a chance" she says bouncing her brows.

"yeah i know but it was so good" i drag out, "we got to hang around at a park, at like 3am after the date, it was so fucking good" i say with a small smile.

"and she spent the night"

"oh! im truly so happy for you! so there will be more dates?"

"please, she could impregnate me already" i joke making her laugh.

"i'm glad you enjoyed it, you truly deserve it bil" she says giving me a hug.

"thank you. i'm still slightly scared but i don't think there's anything to be scared of with her. i just don't want to let my walls down too quickly and end up regretting it" i tell her.

"i totally get it, take your time. as long as she doesn't rush you" she shrugs.

"she's not. she understood where i was coming from and reassured me" i say with a small smile.

"i'm so happy for you"

"thank you. also she's coming to pick me up today so i don't need a ride"

"are you never going to drive your own car?" laina asks raising an eyebrow.

"i will and i already do but just not to work, my car was broken into the two times i came to work with it" she says shaking my head.

"alright whatever girl, i'm going on stage now. get ready, you're up next" laina says picking up her things.

i smack her ass as she leave making her look back at me jokingly throwing a wink.

she's got a fat ass.

i quickly get dressed and get my shit together before it's time to go up, making sure i get laina to take a few videos of me.

no cameras allowed in her but i asked her to, so it's okay.

i'm really hate looking into the crowd and not seeing the familiar face so i just don't meet the strangers' eyes.

i have a love and hate relationship with this job.

it pays and gives you confidence but also i don't enjoy dancing for old men, who probably have kids and a wife at home waiting for them.

it's whatever though.


i let out a sigh as i press the call button and wait, after two rings dakota picks up.

"yes angel" she rasps out.

"hi, i'm ready to leave now. can you come fetch me please?" i ask her putting some sweats on.

"yeah, i'm on my way" i hear shuffling before the call ends, i lock everything i don't need in the locker.

i make my way to the bathroom with my bag to freshen up and pee before making my way to the back door.

they put security guards here to make sure that nobody comes in and that we're safe.

i greet the two guards and take a seat waiting, not even five minutes later a familiar car was pulling in.

i load everything in the backseat and hop in the passenger seat, "hi baby" i greet dakota pecking her lips.

"hmm mmh" she hums sleepy making me chuckle and rub her arm, "how was work?" she asks pulling out.

"and put on your seatbelt please" i quickly put on my seatbelt as i start talking.

"work was work, i must admit that i hate it when you're not there though" i shrug.


"mmh" i nod making her smile with glancing over at me with low eyes

"i will try to be there every time then, what else happen?" she asks laying her hand on my thigh.

"literally nothing" i chuckle leaning over to hug her when we get to a red light, "i hate to admit it but i missed you" i tell her

"you have no idea how much i missed you too baby, thank you for those videos by the way" she teases making me chuckle as i get comfortable in my seat again.

"you're welcome" i grin, "hope you were beating your meat to them" i say jokingly in a funny voice.

she glances over at me with a look and turns back to the road making my jaw drop.

"oh god you actually were" i laugh loudly making her smack my thigh.

"well can you blame me though? you're hot up in that pole doing your thing" she shrugs with a smile.

"oh you're nasty" i laugh hitting her hand off my thigh, "did you wash your hands?"

"of course i did, now get out of my car" she laughs parking outside of my apartment building.

"you're coming in with me right?" i ask giving her doe eyes making her sigh and nod.

"yeah sure, i have a four year olds birthday party to go to tomorrow though, might as well accompany me" she shrugs.

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