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"no because why do you feel the need to make that face?" i yell at dakota as she sits there looking at me.

"bil-" i cut her off yelling again, "i am trying to talk to you but you're making faces" i yell throwing my arms up.

"billie-" i roll my eyes and walk out of the living room to the kitchen, i hear her follow after me.

"billie, you're telling about something i'm not happy about, i can't help my expressions" dakota says standing behind me.

"you didn't have to make that face" i raise my voice while rolling my eyes.

"billie, lower your tone when you talk to me"

"please, now i can't raise my voice. what's next? you want me to bow down to you?" i huff in disbelief while glancing at her and push her away from me to walk away.

"billie if you keep shouting, we'll not get anywhere, just talk to me normally" she says calmly.

"no fuck you" i yell shutting the bedroom door in her face and sigh going to lay in bed.

it's quiet for a minute before she knocks on the door but doesn't wait for my indication before opening it.

"i'm going to be in the living room, once you're cooled off, come talk to me" she says closing the door and walks off.

"i don't need to cool off" i mumble rolling my eyes and put my phone in the charger as i lay down to take a nap.

i hate how she's so calm all the time.

before i know it i was out cold and woke up to dakota shaking me awake.

"billie, you got to wake up, you have work in an hour" i hear dakota while rubbing my shoulder a bit.

i sigh deeply but make no effort to move, "come on, wake up" i roll over to look at her and give her my hand letting me hold hers for a bit before helping me up.

"i'm going to drop you off so meet me downstairs when you're ready" she says leaving.

i let out a sigh and get up going to take a shower and pack my bags once i'm done.

i met dakota in the kitchen when i'm done, i watch her collect her things and walk out with me behind her.

she still opened the car door for me at least.

the drive to the club was quiet, hella tension in the air.

"i'm going back to my apartment tonight, you might want laina to drive you back home" she says pulling in behind the club.

"i will come see you tomorrow yeah?" i nod and lean over to hug her and kiss her cheek before getting out.

"have a good night" she says rolling down the window, i wave at her as i enter by the back doors.

soon i hear her car pull out making me sigh as i make my way to the dressing room.

"why you got that face on?" is the first thing laina says when she sees me.

"me and dakota had an argument" i tell her, "well more like i was arguing with her" i shrug pulling off my clothes.

"have you guys talked about it?"

"nope, she just drove me here. she's going back to her apartment tonight" i shrug with a sigh.

"damn" she mutters making me glare at her, "oh shit sorry" she chuckles.

"can i get a ride today please?" i ask her nicely making her roll her eyes but nods either way.


"hi" i greet dakota and step aside letting her come in, she gives me a smile and kiss my forehead as she walks past me.

it's the morning after and i called her to come over early than intended because i wanted to talk.

"come on" i take her hand pulling her into the living room, "uh i got you these" i say shyly giving her flowers.

"aw thank you baby" she laughs kissing my cheek and puts them aside, i make her sit on the couch while i take a seat on the table in front of her.

"uh i'm sorry for yesterday" i start watching her try to make eye contact with me, "i'm sorry for losing my temper like that over nothing" i tell her as we make eye contact.

she sits there listening carefully while keeping eye contact, "i'm just so used to toxicity, arguments turn into shouting, yelling, pushing and all. and as much as i hate to say it i was expecting the same thing when i know you're not that type of person"

"i'm sorry, i went all out on you when i could have talked to you normally" i tell her playing with my nails.

a small smile breaks on her face as she opens her arms letting me hug her, "i get it but we don't shout at each other, we talk yeah?" i nod quickly while squeezing my arms around her.

"if we ever argue and you feel yourself lose your temper then tell me, we both calm down and put ourselves in each other's shoes before coming back to talk" i hum in agreement.

"i don't like shouting and i most definitely wouldn't want to yell at you because i'm a big person billie, if i shout it will scare you" she tells me picking up my head to kiss my forehead.

"you're so calm and collected all the time, it honestly amazes me, i want the type of peace you have" i tell her while pulling away.

"it comes with age" she jokes making me laugh, "i'm just joking, you learn and work for it" she tells me giving my hand a squeeze.

"you'll get it though, i will help you get there" she tells me with a small smile.

"my heart is so troubled and damaged dakota, be patient with me please, i want to be here fully for our relationship" i tell her softly.

"of course baby, i told you i will show you how you deserve to be treated if you give me a chance and i will" she says.

"thank you" i whisper out hugging her again, she makes us stand up to hug properly, she leans down to stuff her face in my hair.

"i've got you" she whispers in my ear softly when she feels my tears in her shirt, we sway side to side while hugging for so long before pulling away.

"it's just me and you baby, you don't gotta worry about your past or anyone that tries to break us apart" she tells me cupping my face.

"just me and you" i repeat with a watery smile, she wipes away my tears and kisses both my cheeks before connecting our lips.

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