Chapter 1 - The Return

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"You are humble, not like the Kung Lao I knew." Lord Liu Kang, the god of Thunder and Fire said as he slowly approached the young Kung Lao. The young Shaolin frowned his eyebrows, puzzled by the God's statement.

"The Kung Lao you knew?" He followed with a question. Liu Kang gave him a slight smile. 

"A story for another time." Liu Kang took a step closer to Kung Lao. "I have chosen you as my champion, Kung Lao." He took a step closer to Kung Lao, resting his hand on Kung Lao's shoulder. The Shaolin felt surprised and confused at Liu Kang's declaration. "We have work to do...You must be prepared, trained."

"Trained? For what?" Kung Lao asked. Liu Kang said nothing but smiled, knowing that Kung Lao was already more than ready for the task that lay ahead.


"Oh my beloved brother, take a look at us, Mother is gone as well...they destroyed us. Our family is gone.." Cetrion mourned. After Liu Kang brought her back to his new era, she tried to win his trust by begging for a second chance. After Raiden's strong doubts, Cetrion was banished to the Netherrleam. It was above her powers to do otherwise. Any hope to bring the Keeper of Time was officially gone since the hourglass was under Liu Kang's control.

Cetrion believed that was impossible to bring his brother Shinnok, and her mother Kronika back, until she remembered Kronika's actions. That moment, she knew that she had to take action.

"Mother, you will be back. You will bring balance to the realms.."


"Wait, so you want to tell me that I am...fired? I have been working only for two weeks and I thought I was doing a great job already." you exclaimed, your voice filled with disbelief and frustration. Your boss gave you a slight smirk.

" 'You thought?' " he asked, leaning forward and placing his hands on his desk. "You see, ms. (y/l/n), it's nice to have self-confidence," he continued, emphasizing the word "self-confidence", which irritated you. Yet, he was your boss, so you had to hold back from saying anything disrespectful. Well, you actually could but you also didn't want to throw your manners like a used piece of gum into the garbage. "But a little self-awareness wouldn't hurt either," he concluded, standing up from his chair. "I'd like to thank you for the work you've done in the past two weeks, but I won't need you any further. Of course, you will be paid for those two weeks.

Well, at least you're getting paid. "150 is more than enough." He announced. You widen your eyes.

"150?...." You asked expressing your disappointment.

"Well, you did work in a drug depot. I told you when I hired you not to expect much," he replied casually.

"I know you said that, but 150 is barely even minimum wage," you said desperately, hoping he would reconsider. However, the expression on his face made it clear that you were lucky to even receive that amount. "Do you want me anything else?"

"Oh no, you are free to leave." You walked up to the exit lost, devastated. The only questions in your head were 'how are you gonna get an income now? How are you going to tell your father that you lost your job? "Oh and please close the door behind you." Your boss requested to interrupt you from your thoughts. That asshole..


On your way home, all you could think of is your father and your little sister. 'How are you going to take care of them? How are you going to pay for your dad's treatments? How are you going to buy school supplies for your little sister's first day at elementary school?' All these thoughts made you tear to the worst scenario... what will happen if your dad will pass as well? How are you gonna stand on your own with a child at 23?

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