Chapter 24 - First Kombat

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I really don't think you are ready to read what will happen from now on in the story....hahahaha.



- 1 Month Later -

One month has passed...that had to be the worst one of your life.

Non-stop training sessions...where Jade showed you no mercy. Of course outside of the training room, she made sure to give you the support you needed. But it was too much for you to handle.

You felt exhausted from this torture that became your daily routine. Every time you were getting that ten minute break, you were collapsing on the ground as if someone shot you and you were taking your last breaths.

It went to a point where Jade had to give you a day off because of your constant break downs.

As for Fujin. After your confession, you two never had the chance to talk. When he was coming somewhere, you were leaving.

What you also noticed was he seemed to look at you a lot- but keep a distance. He did not visit you once..and of course, you couldn't do the same. It lead you to the result that maybe he doesn't want to be around you anymore.

And you hated to admit, but you understood his position. Still...for some reason didn't cross your mind as something more important than that tournament. Since the month that passed, followed with you isolating yourself from everyone and everything. You surely didn't want to disappoint Jade.

Τhe Tournament was today. It was time.

Anxiety hit your chest since it would be you very first real fight and many people watching it.

So you gathered every power that was left in you for today's fight and put on your clothes. Even though you felt your body getting weaker and your head spinning from the dizziness.

It was something that had to be done.


Geras formed himself behind Cetrion to find her sitting on the ground. Him being surprised by her posture, he decided to ignore it and give her the information she needed.

"(y/n)'s tournament is today, dear Cetrion." Cetrion remained silent. "The clones are being brought to life by Shang Tsung. Whenever you give the order, he will attack." He said.

Cetrion turned her eyes to look at him. "I want you to bring, (y/n). I need to speak to her." The Goddess requested.

"As you wish." Geras nodded before disappearing once again from her point of view.


Back at Liu Kang's Keep, Fujin, Bo'Rai Cho and Nightwolf walked towards Liu Kang and Raiden that were on watch.

Raiden turned his head to see the three men approaching them.

"Fujin, Nightwolf, Bo'Rai Cho." Liu Kang greeted them. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is under control so far." Bo'Rai Cho reassured him.

"We came to ask if you will watch the tournament, today." Nightwolf asked.

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