Chapter 3 - Fujin

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Fujin re-entered the room, his eyes scanning for Kitana, but she was nowhere to be found. Sheeva approached him, surprised by his presence.

"Is everything okay, Fujin?" Sheeva asked.

"Yes, Queen Sheeva. I was looking for Kitana," Fujin replied.

"I think she returned with Kotal to the Koliseum," Sheeva informed him. Fujin hesitated, glancing at the woman being treated. He stepped closer to Sheeva and asked quietly, "Did you learn anything more about her?"

Sheeva shook her head in disappointment. "Sadly, she hasn't said a word since Sonya left."

Fujin nodded and looked away. "If you learn anything, inform me first. I would deeply appreciate it."

"But-" Sheeva began.

"Trust me, it's for the best, Sheeva," Fujin implored, giving her a weak smile

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"Trust me, it's for the best, Sheeva," Fujin implored, giving her a weak smile. Sheeva agreed with a nod, and Fujin left the room.


"Alright, I've already heard enough about Dylan, Cass. Just move on already! He ain't the only guy on earth," Jacqui complained, clearly annoyed by Cassie's constant whining.

"To me he was!" She paused and sighed. "How would you feel if Takeda were to break up with you through text after being together for so long?"

"Takeda is not Dylan." Jacqui quipped.

"Did someone call me?" Takeda entered with his statement. Jacqui approached him, welcoming him with a kiss.

"Oh give me a break." Cassie rolled her eyes, donning her earbuds and settling comfortably into her chair. Jacqui giggled. Takeda looked puzzled.

"What's up with her?" Jacqui shook her head. "Dylan broke up with her over text."

"Oooo..that probably stung."

"A lot." Jacqui affirmed.

" know there's Jin-"

"I better not hear another word about the Shaolin punk!" Cassie interjected as she stood up, removing her earbuds. 

Takeda raised his hands in shock and shrugged his shoulders. "I said nothing."

"That's what I thought," Cassie said, resuming her seat. Jacqui and Takeda exchanged a few giggles and glances in response to Cassie's reactions before the door opened, revealing Jax and Sonya.

"Now that's some weird shit." Jax remarked. Sonya sighed and crossed her arms. "Tell me about it. I do really hope she is no danger, Raiden would definitely not like that."

"Like what?" Jacqui asked wanting to be involved to the subject.

"Some girl was found in the middle of Kitana's Coliseum, beaten up pretty badly," Jax stated.


"Yes, and we have no clue how she ended up there, nor who did beat her up." Sonya completed.

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