Chapter 4 - Relief

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- 3 Days Later -

It is a calming afternoon at Hanzo Hasashi's village, the wind is pushing gently the red leafs around, creating a beautiful atmosphere. 

Peace and quiet surround the place, where Kuai Liang walks, looking for the grandmaster. He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and later entering the place where Hanzo meditates. There, he sees him sat down with his eyes closed, meditating. He slowly approached him.

"Hanzo, it's a pleasure to see you in good health," Kuai Liang greeted. "What do you require of me?"

"Would you care to join me for a brief stroll to the fire garden? I will explain everything," Hanzo suggested. Kuai Liang agreed, and they exited the area together.

"I had a word with Liu Kang. We have a possible threat facing us."

"A threat? What kind of threat?" Kuai Liang asked. Hanzo stopped and stood right in front of him to face him. 

"A young injured woman was found in Kitana Kahn's Koliseum. And so did Shao Kahn. He later disappeared, but the girl didn't. Raiden suspects that this is one of Cetrion's work." Kuai Liang was deeply surprised by the things he heard.

"So the girl is a threat?" Kuai asked.

"The Special Forces are handling it. In due time, we will ascertain the woman's involvement," the grandmaster replied, pausing for a moment. "The reason I needed to speak with you in person is because Liu Kang requested assistance. Should an attack occur...our clans will need to fight together."

"Then they shall, Hanzo," Kuai affirmed, eliciting a faint smile from Hanzo. He then rested his hand on Hanzo's shoulder.

"Thank you."

" it truly the work of Cetrion?" Kuai inquired.

"I have no further information at this time. Liu Kang will keep us informed."

"Alright then, we should not waste more time. We should start preparing, because it will be a battle that we join..together."


Three days have passed since everything happen, yet you are somehow in denial. Still, Cassie with Jacqui made sure to keep you the best company so far, but again, they seem kind of hesitated with you.

Even tho your mind was constantly to Rosemary and your dad, a part of your brain could not stop thinking about the exotic man with the white braided hair and his unusual beauty. You felt the need to find out more about him.


Why are his eyes like that? How old is he? How long has he been here? You never could understand why would you feel this way about someone you haven't even talk to

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Why are his eyes like that? How old is he? How long has he been here? You never could understand why would you feel this way about someone you haven't even talk to. You just only saw him once. 

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