Chapter 25 - Falling For You

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Found this pic from Pinterest and felt like sharing it....FUJIN IS SO CUTE AS A LIL BABY 🍼 GOODNESS- And Raiden patting his little back is sooo sweet! This fanart is so beautiful!


It was a chilling evening at the Fire Garden, where you were standing at the bridge, watching the water pouring on the river. The sound of the birds chirping and the calm atmosphere made you forget today's defeat you had at the tournament.

But it was definitely something that made you feel humiliation. Two months of constant training and the result was a weak, yet disastrous performance in front of everyone.

You sighed as you were teasing a small red leaf that had fell from the trees.

"Maybe I'm not made for things like this.."You thought to yourself.

Soon enough, you sense a presence standing a few meters away from you. The sound of the footsteps approaching you, did not grab your attention; since your mind was already busy.

The mysterious figure stands beside you and places their hands on the wooden railings of the bridge to support their upper body. Your eyes move to see Fujin's hands.

You both remained silent for a minute. Fujin was facing the sunset and you, the leaf you were holding.

"It is really peaceful and beautiful here." You quietly said, gazing at him.

"Indeed. Your body craves relaxation. The Fire Garden will heal you." He responded. You nod as you looked back on the leaf. Seconds passed and you sighed.

"I wanted to show to everyone that I am not some weak girl, with no parents, feel sorry for her and keep her protected." You spat out. "But I proved them right. I made myself look like a total fool back there. Two months training constantly; day and just- be defeated that easily."

Fujin turned his head to look back at the view. "No one is believing this way about you...and you were physically exhausted, it is normal for your body to react like that, if you don't treat it with care." Fujin paused.

You shook your head in disbelief, thinking that Fujin once again just tried to comfort you through your failure. "I should just never agree to Jade's request."

"You did not accept because you were guaranteed victory, (y/n). You accepted because your goal was protection."

You frown at the end of his sentence. "Protect? Me? Who?"

"The people you love." He turned to face you once again. You look back at him. "This is one more common thing we share, (y/n). We do not fight to kill, we fight to protect. You did all this to protect your family." He gently got closer to you. "And not all people are like this."

"I know.." You agreed. Fujin smiled.

"You should not feel ashamed. But feel a winner for standing up and face a champion, even under those circumstances." He said. "You still have a long way coming to you." You nod negatively your head.

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