Chapter 18 - Confession

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A nice meme to start this chapter..they did my boy Kotal wrong haha!


- 2 days later -

You opened your eyes after experiencing massive pain on your arms. You slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes gently. The past two days have been hell for you.

Because your muscles were extremely weak, your body became sore from the constant training. So Jade's non-stop tutorial made you collapse everytime she let you have that ten minute break.

And of course, you still need a lot of work. You only JUST started to learn the basics.. it's definitely going to be a long journey for you.

Jacqui and Cassie have been expecting you since that day you spoke things out, to the bunker to talk about the situation with Fujin. But your exhaustion turned them down for three times now.

So the girls decided to visit you an hour before your lesson with Jade.

By looking at the sky, you knew it was still too early. You lay yourself back on the bed and closed your eyes.

Recalling that day, made you realize that so far, four people know about your feelings towards the Wind God. Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda of course- and Jade.

You had to be extra careful on where and to who you open up to..because even walls could have ears. But when it comes to Fujin, you really can't help it.

He once again popped into your head. His presence and only makes you feel so beautiful.

Although your logic tells you directly that it's impossible to be with him, your heart could not do anything else but give you the hope that something could actually happen between the two of you.

Fujin made you feel things you haven't felt in a very long time. All you knew is that you want to be around him all the time. Talk with him, get closer to him.

But then the negative part in all of this didn't take long to be reminded.

He's a god. He's eternal. He is literally older than your family tree. Yet he looks and sounds young enough.

You close your eyes and slightly groan in desperation. Why out of all men, this guy is the one you chose to fall for?

"Did I like him in the previous timelines though-? Did I confess?.." These thoughts suddenly popped into your brain.

Which you wanted them to be answered..but you definitely don't have the guts to even ask Liu Kang such question.

So you sighed, shook your head gently and turned your body to the side, hugging a pillow.

You had probably two more hours to sleep before the girls arrive, so you decided to take advantage of this time. That way you won't be sleeping on Jade's floor today.


Jade walked at the entrance of Kitana's room. The two guards outside opened the door for her to walk in, where she was sitting on her throne. There were two more guards on her left and two on her right. Jade in respect bowed to them as she slowly approached the Kahn. The moment the Empress saw her walk in, she greeted her with a smile.

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