Chapter 30 - Ressurect Me

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Hello! A quick thank you before this chapter starts..We reached 7K reads! This is unreal!...You don't know how happy it makes me to see you enjoy my story! And thank you for voting it and supporting it with your comments...It's something I have thanked you many times, but I feel the need to do so!

Anyways-- it's Friday babay! My favorite day of the week! So enjoy this chapter I have made for y'all! <3


"Fujin has been successfully corrupted, by Shang Tsung's magic."

"Excellent...The clones shall invade to distract the others; and once my clone comes to life, you both will accompany me to the Keep."


The dawn finally arrived. Raiden managed to return you to the bunker safely, so you can get your wounds treated. The moment you two enter, Jacqui quickly stands up and walks towards you.

"(y/n)!" She exclaims in relief to finally see you again and hugs you. You hug her back while your mind didn't leave Fujin once. Raiden stands behind you.

"I will let you to rest for a bit, you are expected at the Fire Garden at noon." You nod and Raiden turns around towards the exit.

"Lord Raiden?" You call out and he faced you. "Thank you.."

"There is more to come, (y/n). It is not over yet." He replied, seconds before exiting the bunker. Jacqui gently places her hand on your shoulder as she notices your affliction.

"Cassie told me. What happened there?..." The moment she asked that question, flashbacks from that horrific night came to the surface..But an image you couldn't get out of your head was Fujin pinned and bleeding against the wall..helpless.

You take a deep breath and look at her. "You know- I don't want to remember any of this-"

"I'm sorry- you're right. God, I'm an idiot." Jacqui whispered to herself. You shake your head.

"It's okay, Jacqui." Jacqui sighed and looked behind her. "Why aren't you with the others?" You ask her. She clears her throat.

"Not the moment right now...but I will tell you later." You raise an eyebrow at her answer. "Let me call a nurse to check up on you. I will be back." You nod and she walks out of the bunker.

You look around, before you walk towards the couch, filled with worry...if he is okay...If he is safe- if he is...alive..


Shang Tsung enters the Flesh Pits, with Fujin following him. The Wind God looks around to see the clones of mortal kombatants standing left and right. The moment Sonya sees him, she gets closer, suspicious with his visit, but the Sorcerer places his hand in front of her to stop her.

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