Chapter 38 - Reunited

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You were sitting on the warm wooden floor of your room. Your head rested on the balcony window, your legs crossed against your chest and your arms being locked around them, listening to the gentle rain that was falling against the crystal.

The past few days have been passing so peacefully. The silence and the calmness that occurred in your surroundings, is something that you are still trying to get used to.

These six months have been filled with the craziest...and scariest moments of your life. You smelled the bitter scent of death many times. You found out you lived three lives so far, fought monsters, the existence of magic, Gods, witnessed time collapsing, having a cloned 'daughter' with a Demigod, and an Hourglass controlling history.

If you would tell everything you've been through this time to anyone, they would fairly believe you have lost your mind.

Still, you overall managed to create some beautiful moments as well. Jade, Jacqui and Cassie's support to your difficult moments were pure treasure. And not only theirs, but everyone's support.

Even though you were not very trusted in the beginning, they all made sure to take care of you, and make you feel safe.

But of the greatest gifts this 'adventure' could give you was Fujin; becoming one of the most important people in your life. He always relaxes you with his way, and treated you from the beginning like you are one of a kind.

And the days of your return get closer. How things will work out between you and him once you get back home?

You sighed once these thoughts came in your mind once again. You really had to choose between your family and an eternal human being...which of course, Rosemary always was always coming first. Afterall, the only reason you decided to follow Cetrion back here was because you wanted to offer a better future to your sister.

The thought of leaving her on her own shattered your heart. You are the only person she has in her life now..aunt Alyson and your grandparents will not stay forever.

A tear left your eye, once the face of your little sister build up in your head. The pain she may go through, a pain she is not even aware of beneath the happy rainbow world she had created broke you completely.

You sigh as your eyes leave the rainy mood and move your glance to your bed. You stand up once you see your phone laying on it and you walk towards.

You grab your phone slowly in your hands, sliding your thumb upward to unlock the main screen. You go to your gallery and you videos you had of your parents and your sister. Some that you had forgotten filming.

Out of curiosity, you press play to one of them and you slowly sat down.

"Welcome to my restaurant, miss
Sit down". Rosemary greeted you with a french accent, holding a towel elegantly. You were behind the camera.

"Oh what a nice place." You greeted back as you sat down on her chair.

You filmed her as she walked towards her desk and grabbed one of her plastic toy plates that had fake food on it.

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