Chapter 29 - Corrupted

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Finally....I am writing my favourite chapter! I really really hope you will like this one, because I sure loved writing it ohohoh!


⚠️This chapter contains a quite graphic description of a fight. If you want to skip that part that starts with (!!!) this, you may read the rest where it starts with this (*)!⚠️



"Gelica? Wake up honey.." You slowly open your eyes once you hear a voice you missed listening to for a quite long time.

You sit up, while still dressed in your combat clothes and look right across you, to see your father. He looked..healthy. Just as he was two years ago. You quickly stand up as pure joy overfills your heart.

"Dad!" You exclaim, starting to run towards him. But he stops you.

"Don't come any closer, (y/n)." Your dad said. You stood there, looking in wonder.

"Why?" You question.

"Because you are not allowed to come where I am...where you are standing, is life."

"But- I missed you-" you say as you start to tear up. "Where is mom?"

"I am right here, (y/n)." You heard your mom's soothing voice after six whole years replying as she slowly appeared beside your dad.

The first tears started to leave your eyes once you finally reunite with both of them after so long. "We miss you too, honey...we miss the moments the three of us used to live once." She said and you nod as you slightly started to cry.

"I do too." You say with your voice cracking at the end of the sentence. "I wish you were here with me. Watch how much Rosemary has grown-"

"I always have, (y/n)." Your mom reassured you. "I watched her at her first day at all her letters and see her growing up to a beautiful girl." She said.

Your dad answered. "And; we are here with you right now... aren't we?" He joked, making you chuckle between your cries. You nod as you wipe your tears.

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