Chapter 37 - Adjustment

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You wake up to the sound of a heartbeat. Opening your eyes and facing the balcony door across you, you notice the sky getting bright.

The dawn has arrived. You definitely felt more restful than yesterday, but still, decided to stay a bit more in bed.

You yawned and you catch yourself looking at your rested hand onto familiar clothing... Fujin's clothing. You frown as you lift your head gently above you, to see the Wind God doze off. You widen your eyes in surprise, since the last image you had before falling asleep was him sitting on the couch, next to your bed.

"Am I imagining things again? Or he's actually here with me like this?" You thought to yourself. Your rubbed your eyes with your free hand to clear your vision and looked around you once again. Fujin was indeed laid on the bed with you.

Who could have known, that two timelines and six months later you would end up sleeping with a Demigod? Like hell, who could even have imagined you would actually be with one?

You smiled to yourself, before sensing his arms being around you. You carefully sat up, and took his arm gently off of you, resting it to his stomach.

Your side was facing the wall, so you tried your best to get on top and get off of him, without disturbing his rest. Once you succeed, you stand up from the bed and shut your eyes, feeling that sting coming from your stitches on your ribs.

Taking a deep breath, the pain eases, letting your palm free. You look at yourself to notice that your upper body of your combat clothing was almost destroyed.

So, you get on your knees and pull out the backpack with clothes Cassie gave you months ago, that was under the couch.

You pull out a tight sleeveless shirt to keep the stitches exposed, some black comfortable large sweatpants; and push the backpack back under. You glance at Fujin for a few seconds to see his eyes still being closed.

You hesitantly stand back up, as you don't know if it would be a right thing to change in front of him...but he's still asleep, and you had to get out of these dirty and ripped clothes.

"Fuck it..." You whisper to yourself as you turn around, taking of the belt you had on for your weapons. Then, you take off your ripped off hoodie, laying it on the couch; and just a few seconds later, you proceed to unzip the back of your clothing, slowly pulling it down.

You turn for a second to look and see the Demigod still unconscious. You quietly sigh anxiously as you look at the ceiling, before you take the decision and take off your outfit.

You quickly then grab your sweatpants and wear them. You felt a sharp pain coming from your thigh. You inhaled once again, before taking your shirt in your hands.

Moving your gaze at Fujin once again, made you freeze for a bit. He looked so peaceful, so pure. This image made the corners of your lips move upward as you press your shirt against your chest slightly, feeling funny in your stomach.

The moment didn't take long to become extremely awkward, by the time Fujin slowly opened his eyes; and his first image was you being in your underwear, staring at him like a creep.

You wide open your eyes in shock as you quickly try to take the shirt and wear it on you. "It- It's not what it looks like!", You spoke up in the speed of light.

Embarrassment took over you. Not only because you had your upper body exposed to him, and not being comfortable, but because you were looking at him like that while he was asleep...smiling like a goddamn pervert!

Fujin on the other hand, did not react at all. He instead stood up, adjusting his clothing.

"It looks like you are changing to me." He answered with his smooth deep voice. You frown.

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