Chapter 19 - Collapsing

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Firstly I wanted to thank you for 2.4K reads. I appreciate so much every read! And I wanted to thank you for the votes and the comments lately! They keep me going on posting and trying to write great chapters!! So again. Thank you!

And as I promised before, here's a longer and a better chapter!

Enjoy! <3


Fujin made his way outside of Kitana's Castle quite frustrated with the incident that happened a few moments ago. Not being able to get (y/n)'s confirmation..or maybe confession his mind tried to figure out a different approach. Though from the way she was standing and talking, she was giving herself away, making it quite obvious, the Wind God preferred to hear her saying it.

He sighed as he walked towards the exit to soon enough stumble to someone. He placed his hands quickly to catch the person he almost pushed.

"Bo'Rai Cho." Fujin startled by his presence, greeted him.

"Fujin, I am sent by your brother. He needs to see you." Bo'Rai Cho said as he fixed himself.

"Is everything okay?" He asked him while slowly taking his hands off of him, once Bo'Rai Cho could stand on his feet.

"I do not know. But he wants to see you." Fujin slowly shook his head.

"Then, let us not waste any time further." He said and both of them exited the Castle.


"Jade, we need to talk." You asked from Jade. She agreed.

"Let's get to my meditation room. That way no one will interrupt us." She suggested and you nod. She opened the door and let you and herself walk out, making your way to your destination.

You didn't say a word the whole time. You wanted to make sure that you and Jade would be the only ones in this conversation.

By the time you entered Jade's room, you let out a deep sigh. Jade followed you. You glanced at your weapons and cloth at the table. God you're really brought into pure mess.

You looked back at Jade and she smile gently at you. "We are alone now, you can tell me anything."

You can tell her anything. But how can you start? Oh Bullocks, just be direct.

"I..just want to know if you maybe.." You took a deep breath and shook your head. "Were you the one who told Fujin about me?" Jade responded with surprise.

"No, I have no right to talk about something that belongs to you, to someone else." Jade said, refusing your accusations. Her answer gave you the feeling of guilt.

"I'm sorry if I offended you-"

"You didn't, (y/n). But I promise you that I haven't said a word to Fujin. And I won't. It is something you need to take care of."

"Tsk..." You crossed your arms and support yourself onto the table. "This is-...I already have problems with my sister and all of this bull..yet I still manage to create one more. By liking a Demigod."

"Feelings are sadly or luckily uncontrollable, (y/n). But maybe this unique interest you have towards Fujin, is bright side to your life." You looked at her.

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