Chapter 26 - Distanced

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in a week! I was so busy the past few days I didn't have the time to write at all! Not to mention the stupid writer's block I had on a few parts...

But I really hope you enjoy this one!


"Fujin was just here-"

"I am aware, (y/n)." Raiden replied. "But as I mentioned before, I am here to talk with you."

"About what?" You asked what Raiden wanted to discuss quite confused, since you two almost never talked.

"It is about you and Fujin." He stated as he crossed his arms gently. You remained silent at his answer, because it seemed that Raiden also knows.

It really made you the hell did it went from only Takeda, knowing about literally everyone you know? "I understand it is not a comfortable subject for you to discuss, but there is a reason I want to have this talk." Raiden stated. You slowly nodded and looked at the ground for a bit.

"I am listening." You said. Raiden took a pause.

"I am not aware if you have intentions towards him; but I have seen your clear interest."

"I have no intentions." You clear up. "I only have huge respect for him for the role he has." You try to convince. But Raiden is smarter than this, it was impossible to fool a man like him.

"From your answer, I know you do have; and I am certain they are pure, (y/n)." He paused for seconds. "The power of attraction occuring between two individuals is beautiful. But for your own good, I believe it's best to start distancing yourself." Raiden suggested, leaving you shocked.

"Get away from Fujin?" You question. Raiden gently nods positively.

"Your close relationship with him has been affecting him. He has been acting differently, ignoring his task." He replied. "Fujin seems to have a soft spot for you. But in result, his mind is being absent most of times."

You lightly shook your head left and right, feeling guilty yet surprised. You didn't know how much YOU affected a man like Fujin. Your first thoughts of course went back to the main reason he might act like this...

Because of that damn confession.

But on the other hand, Fujin was not a little boy. He is a literal god. He definitely knows better what to do and he knows how to keep himself going.

"You want me to stay away from him, so he can keep doing his task as a protector?" You frowned.

"His duties are endless, (y/n). Earthrealm's protection is always first." He answered.

You didn't say anything for a bit..just stood silent. What he was asking from you, was almost impossible. You felt unsafe without Fujin.

Especially now you and him started to get closer, you wanted to be around him even more.

Raiden definitely noticed your disbelief and lowered his head, glancing at the ground. "I understand your discomfort, (y/n). But it is the only way you will get protected."

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