Chapter 21 - A Romantic Dark Past

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!!!!! Warning !!!!!

I just wanted to thank you of course, thank you for 3k reads!! I really appreciate it! <3



Alyson walked back and forth while tapping the phone on her palm. Caroline, watching her daughter being in stress, could not help but let out a desperate sigh.

"It's been a month and she's still not back. We have waited for her to call, text us something at least- but still not a single sign where she is and if she's safe." Alyson turned to face her mother. "We need to call the police."

"And what about Rosemary?" Caroline stood up from the couch and approached her daughter. "She's already messed up with (y/n)'s absence. What her reaction will be once she sees the police men in our house?"

"I'll make sure to take her to school first." Alyson said. "I need to know where my niece is-" She paused "..and I know for sure she's gone with that man I saw before." She whispered to herself.

"What did you say?" Caroline asked her. Alyson shook her head, trying to wipe off the subject.

"Nothing mom. Just murmuring stuff." She sighed and placed the phone on the coffee table.

"How come you finally decided to call the police?" Caroline questioned. "I've been telling you to do so this whole time. You refused. Is there something I should know about?"

"No mom. I know what you know, please don't make assumptions out of nothing now." Alyson replied. She glanced at the watch on her wrist and walked up to the couch to take her purse.

"Where are you going?" Caroline asked.

"To pick up Rosie from school. I won't be late."

"Alright, I'll get the food ready." She placed her hand behind Alyson's back. "Call the police tomorrow morning." Alyson nodded and walked outside.

Caroline walked inside the Kitchen to set up the table and at the fridge she saw a picture of (y/n), Oliver and Victoria. She smiled weakly as she looked at the picture.

Because the three of them were long gone now.


By the moment Fujin heard that sentence, he stood silent a few seconds, not losing eye contact with you. Of course you were anxious about his response to this, but you couldn't help and feel relief as well.

"I finally said it- and I feel a huge weight just left my shoulders." You sighed. He did not say a word, but was scanning your face. He still remained silent. You frown your brows by this odd reaction of his. "Aren't you..going to say anything?" You asked confused. Suddenly, he leaned dangerously close to you. You felt your legs going weak so you supported your body against the table with your hands. Fujin proceed to take advantage from your move and get closer.

"What would you like me to say, (y/n)?" He slowly titled his head while looking at your lips. "When I asked for an answer, why you didn't give it to me?"

 "When I asked for an answer, why you didn't give it to me?"

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