Chapter 27 - Confronted

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It's my birthday today woowhoo!!! Happy 21 to meh!
So enjoy this beautiful chapter I have prepared for y'all!

⚠️This chapter contains a quite graphic description of a fight. If you want to skip that part that starts with (!!!) this, you may read the rest where it starts with this (*)!⚠️

Since I couldn't do a double update, I made a longer one in my way of apologizing.



"And he has been like that for two weeks?" Cassie asked stunned. You nod.

It has been two weeks after the tournament happened and a few things changed..Fujin now visits you everyday to spent some time with you. Now that Raiden wants you to stay away from him.

Of course, you tried all those times to keep a distance and Fujin noticed each one. So he made sure to give you the space you needed.

But what you really need was him. You treasured every second you spend with him those weeks and you really loved the conversations you shared.

"I don't know how long I can put up with this, Cassie." Cassie sighed and leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms.

"As strict as Raiden can be, he is actually right on this one. Your possible relationship with Fujin could hold him back to a lot of things." You sigh in disappointment as you sit beside her.

"I know..but there's no way we will ever be a thing." you crossed tour legs. "I just don't understand why is he being like this now? Is he doing it on purpose or something?"

Cassie smiled weakly but frowned seconds later. "Yeah it is weird..." Cassie then looked at you in a thoughtful way.

"What?" You asked. Cassie sat up on her chair.

"Tsk...I don't know but- what if he actually started to feel something about you-"

"No. Just no." You clear up. "There's no way Fujin would feel such thing for me."

"But why? He is a person too, a cool one as well. What could possibly stop him from liking someone?"

"And out of every human and immortal, out of every woman on earth, that someone would be me." You sarcastically said.

"Why not?" Cassie asked. You nod your head.

"I don't want to talk about this. It's useless." You completed as you crossed your arms.

"Welp, as you wish." Cassie answered and returned back to her work. You were moving your thighs left and right, looking around while you were playing with your fingers. "Where is Jacqui and Takeda?"

"They went to get food. Jacqui craved some tacos."

"Tacos? How come?" You asked.

"Eh, I dunno. It's Jacqui, she can't make any sense at times." You chuckled at Cassie.

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