Chapter 5 - Healing

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Hello! Quick note before this chapter starts!

--I really wanted to thank you for 200 reads! It means the world to me! I was writing it for fun and I didn't really expect anyone to read the book . So thank you once again! And I really hope you enjoy reading the story just the way I enjoy writing it. I had a small writers block already but now my inspo is back! Anyways! Enjoyyy! <3--

- 2 weeks later -

The days kept passing in the same routine for you. A small difference makes that Cassie and Jacqui for some reason stopped visiting you. Your mind couldn't think many reasons behind it, you were kinda nonchalant about it as well. All you thought about is finding a way to get back to your loved ones..your family.

Fujin didn't visit you as well after the day you found out he is a literal ancient god. Your romantic interest towards him started to fade away after finding out his status and knowing pretty well that it wasn't going to be healthy for you eitherway.

On another positive side, your body started to heal. You were able now to move your arms without feeling much pain and now, you are able to slowly walk. Some parts of your body became a bit swollen by the hits. But you couldn't feel the pain like before, which that was a good sign.

Suddenly someone knocked on your door, your mind instantly thought of Cassie or Jacqui. But it was someone you never expected to see.

Kitana Kahn.

Kitana made only one visit, and it was only the time where she had her people taking care of you. So seeing her again, made you quite anxious. You greeted her and she bowed, before walking up to you.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"I'm a lot better, thank you."

"I uh- I would like to apologize for not making a visit. I wanted to make sure you are in a good state when I would do that." You frowned your eyebrows.

"Do what?" You asked. Kitana took a deep breath and stood up, taking a seat beside you. She slowly reached for your hand, locking it to hers. You were beyond confused at this point on what was going on...and why she was so sympathetic towards you.

"I have heard about your family, (y/n)" she paused. "I once had a father that loved me unconditionally, yet, a father that I lost so unfairly. I understand your pain..the grief." You looked away for a few seconds.

"If I won't be back on time, I will lose him as well...without even say goodbye. I don't want to repeat that mistake." You said as you looked back at her.

"It was no mistake, you didn't know your mother would pass. Do not blame yourself, (y/n)." Kitana comforted you. You shook your head.

"With all the respect I have for you...Why are you comforting me out of nowhere? You don't even know me. What are you trying to tell me?" Kitana's face dropped and she slowly let go of your hand, standing back up.

"I apologize-"

"No, I am sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that. You brought me me here and gave me the care I desperately needed. I should be the one to apologize." You took a deep breath. "I'm just- confused. Lost. It's not easy for me to still process what is happening to me right now."

"You have all the time you want (y/n), because I am afraid you won't back to your family soon." You sat up in frustration.

"Sorry? Is this what you wanted to tell me?" Kitana avoided eye contact with you.

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