Ending I : Acceptance | Pt. I

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This is the ending for those who chose to accept Gelica as their daughter.

This was extremely challenging and quite difficult for me to write the two endings and post them together, not going to lie. So I really hope you will like your ending!

The chapter ended up EXTREMELY long, so I decided to split it in two parts. It will take you a lot of time to finish it.

Enjoy. <3


Gelica made her way inside the bunker, to give (y/n) her birthday wish. While watching the pleasant and loud atmosphere in the place, a great feeling filled her gut that their relationship has improved after their talk back in Outworld.

But as she was looking around, she did not see a single sign of either her or Fujin. Which confused her.

She made her way towards Jacqui, where she was the first to land her eyes on and tapped her shoulder gently.

Jacqui slightly jumped and she turned around. A weak smile formed on her face once she saw her. "Gelica! Good to see you. You're here for the birthday girl?"

"Jacqueline, hello...yes. Do you know where can I find her?" Jacqui moved her eyes to scan the place, for (y/n)'s presence and she frowned, when she did not find her. "She was- just here, moments ago."

That moment, Jax made his way towards his daughter and the Demigodess. "You two look lost. Everything okay?"

"Gelica is looking for (y/n) but- she just disappeared." Jacqui answered. Jax nodded, glancing at the ground.

"She's outside with your father." He leaned closer to her a bit, lowering the tone in his voice. "I don't think it's for something good."

"What do you mean?" Gelica questioned him.

"Now I don't have an answer for that..." Nervousness started to peak in Gelica's body, thinking that she might be responsible for this. If she would not tell (y/n) anything, nothing about the timelines and why she ended up here in the first place, nothing would happen.

She got distracted from her thoughts once she saw her entering the bunker with Fujin...and they did not look happy either of them.

Jax glanced at her and Jacqui looked in wonder.

Gelica noticed (y/n) red eyes and nose. It was obvious she had been crying..but not knowing the reason behind her, this whole scene made her more anxious. Fujin did not take eyes off from the ground. His eyebrows were expressing his current emotion. Sadness.

The Demigoddess stood scared of what she will listen. Especially when (y/n) spoke up.

"Can I please have your attention for a bit?!" She raised her voice. Kung Jin turned off the music while Johnny was eating. Sonya crossed her arms and frowned. (y/n) cleared her throat as she didn't know how to start her announcement.

"What happened?" Cassie asked panting and lost at the sudden mood change. Most of them in general, started to get concerned once they noticed the Wind God's and (y/n)'s body language.

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