Chapter 41 - Break Up

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Final chapter guys....AHHHH!!



You wake up in the bed of your room, back in Outworld, with a terrible headache following you. You groan in pain, placing your hand against your forehead.

You feel a cold breeze, caressing your back and your arms. You look beneath the covers to see yourself in your sweatpants and your upper body in your underwear. Unable to remember everything that happened, you sit up and stretch your body, by turning left and right slowly. Your eyes still closed, trying to remember, and not wanting to face the sunlight. Just not yet.

"You're awake." You jump and look at the balcony door on your right, once you hear the voice. To your surprise, Gelica was standing there, but not for long, once she saw you awake. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to startle you."

"Gelica?" You could barely think. "What are you doing here?..." She approached you and sat on the couch. She softly exhaled air from her nose, giggling a bit.

"From your question, I suppose you do not remember anything that happened yesterday, at the reception." You nod, agreeing.

"I am not going to lie...the last thing I remember was drinking with Bo'Rai Cho...which looks like it was a big mistake." Gelica nod, confirming your yesterday's moments as true. Remembering your chest is almost exposed, you decided to ask her a question.

"Why am I in my underwear?" You scratched the back of your neck.

"I am sorry I had to change you without your permission, but your dress was stained with alcohol and vomit. "

"...What do you mean? What happened yesterday?"

Gelica looked away, quite uncomfortable with your question. Still, she decided to tell you.


"Is that...(y/n)?" Fujin asked, surprised as he faced his partner laughing and drinking with Bo'Rai Cho.

"Looks like it.." Gelica answered, confused with her unusual behaviour towards the master. Fujin gently placed his hand behind her, to guide her towards their table.

The closer they were getting, the image was getting clearer; and (y/n) with Bo'Rai Cho seemed to be way too far from sober.

"I am telling you! Sometimes I wonder how I am still alive with so much alcohol running in my blood!" Bo'Rai Cho spoke in between his gibberish.

"I can't understand anything you say- but I agree!" (y/n) said and a few seconds of silence passed. Suddenly the two of them burst in laughter, before Bo'Rai Cho clinks his bottle with (y/n)'s glass. Gelica and Fujin, stood behind them, quite shocked, but not surprised.

"Bo'Rai Cho? (y/n)?" (y/n) turned and her smile got bigger once she saw the Wind God.

"Fujin!" She exclaimed. Gelica stood behind him while he seemed beyond confused.

"Ayyyy, Fujin! Come, take a seat with us!" Bo'Rai Cho excited suggested, taking an empty glass, filling it with wine, and handing it to him.

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