Chapter 7 - Just A Clone

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Heavy footsteps echoed inside the Flesh Pits. The Flesh Pits, after many timelines..had actually clones that no one expected to see. It was a terrific view for him.

Scorpion's clones, Jax, Jade and Sonya's. The heavy footsteps got closer to one of Kitana's clones, as the stranger let the hammer beside the table.

By taking a close look at each clone, the stranger walked back to the table, grabbing the hammer.

"I can't do this alone, without my daughter." The stranger raised his hammer, revealing Shao Kahn.

As he was about to smash one aquarium to take another 'Mileena', a Sai landed right on the back of his hammer. Shao Kahn confused, by the metal sound; he moved his hammer to see the sai. He then smirked.

"Think you could get rid of me that easily, father?" A raspy yet seductive mid pitched voice was heard from a small distance.

Shao Kahn turned around to face Mileena pointing the other Sai at him

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Shao Kahn turned around to face Mileena pointing the other Sai at him. "Is this what I am to you? Just one of Kitana's countless clones?!" She walked towards him angrily. "I suppose I am an easy replacement." She placed her Sai right underneath his chin.

Shao Kahn slowly lowered her hand. "I would never do that. I just needed a small assistant to help me find you, daughter." Shao Kahn said and the Sai that was in his hand disappeared, reappearing into Mileena's other hand. "It is only you and me now."

"Kitana is finally dead?" Mileena asked.

"Not....yet." Shao Kahn looked back at the table where one of the many Mileena's were there. "And she's still a Kahn." He then turned around to face Mileena once again. "But once Kitana and that pathetic fool, Liu Kang will be out of my sight. The throne will be having back it's Kahn."

"And what about me, father? What role will I have in all this?" Mileena asked.

"You will be my best ally. Once you get rid of Kitana and help me resurrect your mother. The Outworld will ruled by our family."

"It is impossible to do that without Shang Tsung or Quan Chi's help." Mileena spoke up about Sindel's resurrection. "Last time he with Fujin resurrected her. How will we now find the perfect one since they are both gone?" Shao Kahn looked around him for a few seconds.

"That is one less thing to worry about." He raised his hand. "It is my problem to deal with. All I need from you mostly is do your job, and take Kitana away from my throne." He walked towards the exit. "Make sure to vanish her and anyone else that tries to get in our way." Shao Kahn demanded Mileena.

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