Chapter 9 - Welcomed

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You felt your heart beat in fast pace while almost everyone in the room was probably curious by who you were, or weird out from your wounds and bruises.

Cassie's mother walked with a serious look on her face. Her hands on her hips. The only time you saw her was the day you woke up.

She stood right in front of you for a good amount of seconds. The only thoughts that were passing your mind were that she probably does not trust you...that she would search you up from top to bottom.

"We are happy to have you here, (y/n)." Yes. She really said that. Cassie and Jacqui smiled. Just then, a tall giant man with...metal arms stood up and followed Sonya's path. But he followed for another reason.

He carefully held your arm and placed it around his bicep, letting you support himself to him. You felt welcomed. You felt...way different from the first day..And it felt good.


Takeda couldn't take his eyes off of, (y/n) and Fujin. He was watching the way (y/n) was glancing at him. It was clear that she lied to him about her interest towards the Wind God.

Jacqui let go of her and she walked with Jax close to a table. He carefully let her sit down next to Cassie and made his way back to Bo' Rai Cho and Fujin. Jax light up his cigarette as he glanced at (y/n). He couldn't help it but feel about her once he noticed her bruises.

"So that's the mortal who brought all this mess." Bo' Rai Cho laughed. Fujin looked at him and didn't say a word. "She's a really beautiful woman. Don't you agree?" Bo' Rai Cho scolded Fujin playfully with his elbow. Fujin shook his head and fixed his posture.

"It is not my place, to talk about her physical appearance."

"It's not something bad as well. It's something humans do a lot." Bo' Rai Cho said. Fujin seemed quite uncomfortable as he knew pretty well that due to his responsibilities as a protector, he is forbidden to commit any type of relationship with mortals.


"You look so....girly, (y/n)." Cassie complimented you. You laughed.

"Thank you, Cassie...not gonna lie but- today I feel like a main character in a movie." Cassie laughed.

"I understand. Well no one knew what that mysterious mortal that was found in the Koliseum looked like." You agreed at Cassie before a young guy approached you.

"Hello, pretty ladies." The young man pulled out his glasses. You looked at him quite surprised.

"I'm pretty sure that you are like 'oh wow, I can't believe I am actually talking to Johnny Cage! Well actually he is talking to me so that's a lot of a bigger opportunity. I'm such a big fan!" He said and he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. "So... here's a SPECIAL autograph for you." He completed as he signed his name on it. He gave it to you. "But no selfies allowed. Bad for my eyes. You're welcome."

You took awkwardly and slowly the piece of paper while looking at him...not sure to what to say exactly since you didn't even know his existence.

"Thank you, I will- definitely keep this!" You exclaimed your fake excitement. Maybe he was an upcoming actor or singer and he's practicing his meet and greets.

"No problem, cutie." He winked, putting his glasses back up. Cassie looked disgusted.

"Daaaad!" Cassie called out. Seconds later a man that was literally his twin but older walked towards you.

"Wait, didn't mean it the way you thought-"

"Wait, didn't mean it the way you thought-"

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