Chapter 13 - Visions

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Fujin was once again caught meditating at the Sky Temple...his eyes closed, his hands together and his ears following the gentle sound of the breeze.

his eyes closed, his hands together and his ears following the gentle sound of the breeze

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But his mind wasn't clear this time. For some reason, he was seeing visions...dark visions. His mind could not stop picturing a dark path.

A picture of Raiden's soul being once again corrupted by darkness. Liu Kang's being beaten to death by Shao Kahn.. Shang Tsung literally inhaling Raiden's and Fujin's powers. And them...the two of them being his minions.

Fujin shut his eyes and frowned his eyebrows, he couldn't understand why he would vision things like this..he shook his head and exhaled from his nose.

"You seem in thought, friend." He opened his eyes by the time he heard Bo' Rai Cho's voice. "Tell me, what is bothering you?"

"I can't count." Fujin replied controlling his frustration.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bo' Rai Cho asked.

Fujin smiled at him and placed his hand onto his arm. "It is not the right time."

"As you wish."

"Is there a reason behind your visit?" Fujin asked his friend.

"Not really. I wanted to see you. How you are doing, you know."

"I appreciate your concern, Bo' Rai Cho. I am doing the best I can. No matter what is."

"I see." Bo' Rai Cho looked at Fujin. "Raiden is fine now. I promise." He said and Fujin looked back at him. Bo' Rai Cho nodded and smiled at him, trying to give some hope the demigod.

"I hope so,..." Fujin then took a deep breath and looked at the sky. "I must visit Liu Kang and Raiden, will you join me?"

"I'd love to, but I'm gonna skip for now. I want to check up on Kung Lao."

"I will meet you later then." Fujin slowly summon the wind, creating a small tornado to lift himself and disappeared from Bo' Rai Cho's point of view.

"What are you hiding, Fujin?"


"I don't want to eat!" Rosemary placed her hands against her mouth. You sighed in frustration.

"Rose, please! You need to eat beans."

"No! They smell and have awful taste!"

"That means they're healthy. Now come on!" You raised your voice at her.

She stood up from her seat but you pulled her angrily by her arm, making her sit back down.

"Don't make this difficult for me, Rose!" Rosemary stayed silent and crossed her arms.

It had to be the first time she ever talked to you like this, even behaving like this. But you can't really blame her. She lost both her parents in only 6 years. It is more than normal for her to be angry.

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