Chapter 17 - Forgiveness

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If I will tell you that I have been waiting for a month to write this chapter...will you believe me?!

Also 2K reads- this is surreal I can't believe it. I don't know how should I thank you for reading my story! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!

Enjoy!! :D


"My what-" Jade took your hand and teleported you into an empty room with very light white curtains covering the balcony doors.

First time you teleported from one place to another..nothing else can surprise you anymore.

You looked at the room and saw only a carpet in the middle and a table beside the wall. That table had knives and some sort of sticks.

Jade lead the way and the both of you walked towards that corner.

"When you will be in combat, a primary gear is a must in order to help defend yourself since you have no power abilities. Even I, have my steel fan and my bō." Jade showed you her gear, by opening her stick turning into a big pole.

"Woah." You slowly took her bō into your hands. "You know, we use that pole in my world for other things." You wiggled your eyebrows jokingly.

"For what?" Jade asked. You cleared your throat, since she didn't get the failing joke.

"Oh just- for nothing- what is it called again?"

"Bō." She replied. It felt really heavy, Jade must be really strong to fight with this.

"It's really- beautiful."


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"Indeed. Yet, very deadly." Jade simply said and took the stick back to her hands, closing it.

She then lead you with her eyes back to the table. "I do believe the best gear for you would be a knife. But you will definitely train on how to fight with the bō as well." Jade suggested.

You looked at the table and it was time for you to decided which was going to be your primary weapons.

Your eyes met first the knives.

Your eyes met first the knives

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