Chapter 40 - Happily Ever After?

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- 2 Weeks Later -

It has been two weeks since the last time you have spoke to Rosemary and your aunt. To be specific, the last time you have seen them was at the bunker, having that intense conversation.

Checking your phone non-stop, to see if she called you, or at least texted you, you started to give up, knowing she will not bother to reach you out. Something that you didn't understand.

Why was she so mad at you for something that happened to you? Something that was beyond your powers to control.

While being in your room, letting your thoughts take over you, you suddenly hear a knock from the door. You lift your head to follow the noise, and the door opens.

It was Cassie entering, holding a bag.

"Well hello there." She greeted you, closing the door behind her. You glance at her body to see her nice outfit as you stand up.

"Oh my, you look so pretty-" You greet her back.

"Oh thank you, gyal." You can't help, but look with curiosity at the specific bag on the couch. 

"What's..." You asked her slowly, pointing at it.

"Oh this?" She pointed back with her eyes at the bag. "This is a dress Jacqui picked for you for the wedding." You softly gasped in surprise, and placed your hand against your chest.

"For me?" You felt touched by Jacqui's act.

"Duh? You can't go with sweatpants." She completed, then pulled out a tight light blue sleeveless dress, reaching a bit above the knees, and some two subtly elegant white heels.

You slowly held it in your hands, amazed by its looks. "You won't wear this on their second wedding though." You look at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain some other time." Cassie shook off the subject and sat on the couch. "Now, I want to know the spicy news." She announced bringing her hands together.

"Which are?" You asked her, laying the dress on the bed.

"You and Fujin dude! You have been together now for how long?...a month." You wide open your eyes.

".... It has been a month already?" You asked, making Cassie gasp on shock.

"You forgot? So you should thank me for reminding you! If Fujin would tell you about this-"

"Fujin does not know about anniversaries, Cass. Let's be real. He literally didn't notice it." You cut her off. Cassie shrugged her shoulder, before pulling out her phone.

"Well, you got a point." She sighed it out. " is it? You know, the relationship with the terrific Demigod." She grinned at the end of the sentence. You took a deep breath, collapsing onto the bed, after Cassie's question. The fresh moments you created with Fujin already made you smile.

"It's...great- of course we still need a lot of time to learn about eachother and-..he's trying to be around as much as he can- And that makes me love him even more."

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