Ending I : Acceptance | Pt. II

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- Six Months Later -

Six months have passed since your final return and luckily, things started to slowly get better. Your aunt recommended you to go to a psychologist so you could speak out your feelings, about the situation with your parents, Rosemary, and of course whatever happened in that world you were living in, but you told her many times that it would be better what you lived in that realm should stay private. She did not have another choice, but agree.

Rosemary on the other hand, seems to have few breakdowns since she is missing her dad like crazy..and it is more than normal. The thing is that it saddens you to see her being in this type of pain at such young age.

She has been asking about Fujin as well. It seemed that Rosemary has viewed him the same way she did with your dad...something that made the damage bigger. You always told her he will visit someday, to make her feel better. But everytime you were hearing his name, you yourself, were missing him even more.

Six months have passed- and you still, could not get over him.

Luckily, thanks to your job, you manage to keep your mind and yourself in general busy. Where you got accepted to the school you were supposed to work long time ago, thanks to your aunt.

Where it was now lunch break. The students of your class ran outside and you closed the door and make your way towards your stuff.. You sat on your desk, taking a sip of your coffee, before one of the school teacher's knocked at your door.

You lift your face to see a specific one that has been constantly flirting with you from the moment you got here. No matter how many times you rejected him, he keeps trying...to the point where he got extremely annoying.

"Good morning, (y/n)." He greeted you, closing the door behind him. You slightly sigh, before choking it with a fake smile.

"Harry..hello." you awkwardly greeted him back, moving a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Everything okay?"

"Oh yeah, just wanted to keep you some company. If that's okay with you." He subtly winked at you. The worst part that wasn't mentioned is that he...is married with a child, that goes to this school.

"Ah, thank you but uh- I have to make a few phonecalls." You tried to make an excuse.

"So? I will sit here quietly. I promise I won't bother." Harry insisted. You cleared your throat.

"Okay, I guess-" you were cut off from your phone ringing. You exhale as you take it in your hands. You frown, once you see an unknown number calling you. You pick up and question. "Hello?..."

"(y/n)?...is that you?" You heard a familiar voice.

"Yeah? Who's this?"

"It's Cassie." You gasp slightly and glance at your coworker.

"Ahhh- hey babe." Harry's eyes quickly meet you. "Why did you change your phone number?"


"Oh, okay. I was just about to call you." Harry slowly bowed with his head awkwardly before leaving the class. You take a deep breath in relief. "Yeah, Cassie sorry.."

"Since when we are dating and I don't know it?" You chuckled at her.

"Long story.." you pause. "I'm...really happy you called."

"I am too..you know..I hear you well. "

"I'm trying." You laughed a bit. "I wanted to call you this whole time. But work, family stuff.."

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