Chapter 2 - Ιnterrogation

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"A mortal?" Kitana inquired, following Raiden's lead. As they gathered around the person, their vision sharpened, revealing bruises and cuts scattered across the individual's body.

"It's a woman," Kotal stated, observing the extent of her injuries. "She has been severely beaten."

"Who could have done such a thing?" Kitana's face showed deep concern.

"We don't know where she comes from. It would be wise to maintain our distance. What if she poses a threat?" Raiden advised, clearly uneasy with the situation.

"And leave her there to bleed to death?" Fujin interjected, his voice filled with resentment at Raiden's response. The unknown woman gathered all her strength, using her arms to brace herself up while the rest of her body remained motionless on the ground. She could barely move. 

"Please..." she whispered. "Help me..." Liu Kang and Fujin looked upon her with compassion. It was heart-wrenching to witness someone plead for assistance when they were unable to help themselves. 

Just then, another figure appeared before them. A towering, muscular man wielding a brutal hammer casually resting on his shoulder. He lightly nudged the girl's shoulder with the weapon, pushing her aside while laughing. Kitana and the others gazed at him in shock.

"...Shao Kahn?" Kitana paced angrily toward him. "I thought you burnt in hell."

"It was fun while it lasted." Shao Kahn remarked, readjusting the hammer on his shoulder. "You are sitting on a throne that belongs to me, Kitana."

"Nonsense!" Kitana raised her voice."The throne was never yours to claim in the first place," she retorted.

"What brings you here Shao Kahn, or should I ask.." Liu Kang walked towards him, standing next to Kitana. "Who brought YOU here?" He asked.

"What makes you believe, that I will reveal the information you seek? The only thing you need to know is that I am reclaiming my position as Kahn once and for all," Shao Kahn declared, provoking Liu Kang. Anger welled within Liu Kang as flames flickered to life in his palms.

"Enjoy your final moments of freedom, because later on, I might spare you...just to serve me." Shao Kahn taunted them. As Raiden started to walk up to him aggressively, Shao Kahn vanished, leaving everyone did Shao Kahn manage to return after Shang Tsung had absorbed his and Sindel's powers and souls?

"So if Shao Kahn is alive, that means that Shang Tsung-?" Kotal asked, stepping into the conversation.

"That is a question I have to find out. Raiden, Fujin, I will need you to follow me." Liu Kang requested from the brothers. "We must find Kung Lao."

"We will follow you, Liu Kang." Fujin nodded. "Kitana, please. If you can, take care of the girl."

"Yes, Liu Kang." Kitana agreed, offering him a small smile. Liu Kang and Fujin gathered their powers, vanishing and leaving Kitana and Kotal in the field. Kitana walked towards the girl and slowly kneeled down to take a closer look at her. "Is she alive, Kitana Kahn?" Kotal asked.

"Her chest is moving, so I take it that she's still alive," she replied, rising back up. "However, she's still unconscious. Please, Kotal. If it's possible to assist me get her to my residence." Kitana pleaded Kotal. With a gentle nod, he accepted her request.

- -

"Liu Kang, could someone possibly have gained access to the hourglass?" Fujin asked, his concern was evident. Liu Kang glanced at Fujin. He knew the answer to that, but didn't want Raiden to be restless.

"I do not believe so, Fujin. The hourglass is only under my protection."

"Is there any chance Cetrion could try to get to the hourglass?" Raiden inquired.

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