Chapter 35 - 'Our' Daughter

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Edit: I took down the chapter because I had to re-write a few scenes, since they were not loading! I am so sorry for the false notification! ⚠

I hope y'all suckers for romance...because we gon have a lot of it now...hehe.



You wake up to a total white, bright place. You find yourself laid on your parents' wooden bed in your pyjamas.

You lift the sleeves on your arms and legs and you frown, once you notice you don't have any bruises or cuts from the deadly war you were into previously.

Moving your gaze up, you hear laughter reverberating in the place. You move the covers away and you stand up, trying to walk towards the sound.

From the far distance, you see a small figure jumping around. Right behind it, two other shadows were holding hands as they were watching the small person laughing and playing around.

You get closer and you realize it's Rosemary, your mom and your dad. You look at her confused, on why she's here.

"Rose." You whisper to yourself, getting even closer.

"You got this energy from mom, you know that Rosie?" Your dad chuckled, picking her up and kissing her cheek. Your mother held her hand as Rosemary hugged her dad back.

Only a moment passed, and your dad's eyes noticed you. His smile immediately disappeared. " should not be here..."

You started to approach them. "Wh-...what is she doing there?" You questioned him. Rosemary and your mom pulled away, once they heard your voice.

"(y/n)!" Rosemary exclaimed in happiness to see you.

"(y/n)?...." Your mom didn't hide her pure concern to see you back here.

"Get away from them, Rose!" You raised your voice, so she could hear you. She frowned , expressing her sadness. "You said that where you are standing is-..."

Both your parents, remained silent.

"But look, we are finally all together!" Rosemary announced as she started to jump around again. Tears started to form in your eyes, as Rosemary ran towards you. "Come on, let's all hug!" She said, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer to your parents.

You were hesitant to take those steps closer to your did not want to die. You did not want everything to end here. But you missed them. You craved to see your parents, hug to them.

After passing the line between death and life, you stood right across your parents. You looked at their healthy smiles building up as your mother slowly wrapped her arm around your shoulder.

You let the tears escape once you feel their touch. Your dad picks up Rose and with his other arm, wraps his arm around you too.

You break down feeling the warmth. Feeling the safety and the love you once had when they were alive. Your mom did not hold back and started to cry slightly as well.

This felt unreal. You couldn't understand if this was a dream, or your now reality.

All you understood was that you reunited with your family. A moment where it was not drawing nor photoshopped photos. It was actually the four of you for the very first time.

The seconds passed, and your parents slowly pulled away. Rosemary was left down, holding your hand and your mom's. She looks carefully at both of her palms and decides to let go of her hand.

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