Chapter 18 Reunion

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Link and I finally filled the vessel of light and the light been returned and we turned back into our human forms. Midna said,"Aw, I was starting to have fun! Don't forget that Fused Shadow! Eee hee hee! See you later!" Midna disappeared and then the water started to glow and then a ball of light appeared and it took a form of an owl.

The light spirit said,"My name is Eldin. I am one of the light spirits of Hyrule. I am the light spirit that guards these lands. O great hero chosen by the gods...O great assassin chosen by her ancestors... The dark power you two seek lies in the sacred grounds of the proud mountain dwellers. But already those grounds have been defiled, draped in shadow and seeded with evil."

We looked at the mountain for a second and then we turned back to the light spirit and he said,"You must go to those sacred grounds and cleanse them." The light spirit folded it's wings and then it disappeared. We were about to go to death mountain until we saw someone peeking out of the door to the sanctuary and it was Colin and the others.

"Link?! (Y/N)?!" after colin called out for our names the other village kids came dashing out. I said,"Hey! It's good to see you guys again" Colin said,"Ha ha ha! See, Beth?! I TOLD you Link and (Y/N) would save us!"

Colin got up and he dashed towards us and then my uncle came out as well.

Some shouted,"(Y/N)!!!" I looked up happily and it was my uncle,"Uncle Bill!" I ran to him and I hugged him and he said,"ah there is my favorite niece in world!"

He let go of me and he said,"My, look at you! You're the spitting image of yo're mum". I smiled and said,"You think so uncle bill?" Uncle Bill said,"Aye definitely, You've got her looks all right that's for sure" Renado walked towards Link and said,"...You are the one from Ordon whom these children spoke off?"

Link said,"I am" He said,"We are well met. I am Renado, shaman of this town. And this..."

Barnes removed his helmet but Renado introduced his daughter instead"This is my daughter, Luda and this is the blacksmith, Bill"

"Any way, how did you guys meet up with Renado?" I asked Colin. Cloin said,"The beasts took us and left us to die... but Mr. Renado found us." Renado said,"At first, I couldn't believe they had come from so distant a place as the Ordona Province..."

Colin said,"Yeah, I... We couldn't remember much. All of a sudden everyone was captured, and then...until's been like..." Malo said,"...A nightmare." Colin said,"Yeah! It was like a terrible dream and we couldn't wake up..."

Renado said,"Mmm... Nightmares are everywhere these days, it seems. This village had certainly seen its share of recent hardships..." I was surprised at his comment,"What do you mean, Renado?" I asked him.

"The dark beasts attacked, but even worse was the sudden and inexplicable change in the mountain-dwelling Goron tribe." He said. I said,"Why? what happened?"

"As you may know this already (Y/N) they had long been our friends, but suddenly treated us as foes. Even now they refuse to permit us entry into their mines. It strains the limits of belief... To think the that such a gentle and proud tribe could change so suddenly... It makes me wonder if something in those mines is the cause of this change..."

"something in the mines huh? there's no mistaking it, it's defiantly the forbidden power all right." I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted when Renado said,"In any case, you two must take these children and flee this village before more nightmares descend. I, of course, cannot leave my village in such a time. There is no telling what may happen to us here... But it is my job to try to coax the Gorons back their recent change of heart." The ordon kids looked us with worry on their faces.

"I don't wanna leave all these people just to save our lives!" Talo shouted. Beth said,"Come on you Link! Can't you and (Y/N) do something?" Colin then said,"Isn't there...some way to make up with the Gorons?" Malo said,"You'd think someone could go to the mines and do something..." I sighed and said,"That's easier said than done, Gorons aren't really the type to be reasoned with" 

"What makes you think that?" Link asked me. I explained to them,"Gorons can be dangerous at times believe me, Link you do not wanna get into a fight with them however, we can't take the kids back to Ordon village besides the road is too dangerous at the moment Hyrule field is filled with enemies they might end up going for them if we did took them back with us"

Link then asked me,"So what do you think we should do?" I thought for a moment and said,"I think one of us will need to go up that mountain and try to reason with them.."

I leaned into Link's ear and said,"besides, we've got that fused shadow to collect and if we don't get it and soon the gorons might not let anyone up there ever again."

I pulled away from Link and he said,"I already know that (Y/N), so which one of us is going up that mountain anyway" I said,"Link, you should go up there"

"What? you're not being a chicken are you?"Link said. I shook my head for a no and said,"No it's not that, it's just that the Gorons don't really like us assassins that very well they don't even trust us"

Link then asked me,"Why not? did something happen between you two" I said,"No, they think of us as demons because they think we're nothing but bloodthirsty creatures who only kill criminals for fun." Link sighed and said,"I see, I'll go up to the mountains and you can wait here and have your little reunion with your uncle."

After Link said that he headed up towards to death mountain. My uncle came up to me and said,"So, your father has told you about the assassins?" I looked at him and said,"Not really I learnt about them by myself it's a long story." We headed inside uncle bill's shop and he made two cups of tea and I told him about what's been happening to me and Link.

"I see, so these three light spirits told you a'boot that Link is the legendary hero and yo're one of the assassins who are supposed to aid him on his quest." Uncle Bill said. I nodded my head and said, "That's exactly right" Uncle Bill noticed my sad look and said,"are you all right my wee darling, you seem a bit depressed"

I sighed and said,"I got this from the postman" I gave uncle bill the letter and he was shocked about what it said. Uncle Bill looked disgusted and he said,"What? that canni be right, the ranch is no longer in yours?" I said,"yeah, it now belongs to auntie Mary, unless if my dad's will shows up I won't be able to get it back."

Uncle Bill said,"I see, I'm sorry to hear that, look don't worry a'boot it I'm sure it's bound to show up" I sighed and said,"Uncle Bill, Hyrule is a large place it's like looking for a needle in a haystack"

Uncle smirked and said,"Ooh, anyway, how's that friend of yours doing? have you two kissed yet" My face suddenly went red after what my uncle asked me. I blushed brightly and said,"W-what are talking about?! Shadow and I haven't been that serious yet!"

Uncle Bill laughed and said,"(Laughs) I'm only joking, my wee darling, what about Link have you got a crush on him?"

"Link... Now that I think about it,he has been looking out for me and he does protect me at times from the enemies and he did say that he would help me to get the money I need for the ranch, wait, why am I thinking like that? I couldn't be falling for Link can I? the only person who I have a crush on is Shadow isn't it? But still, Link is different comparing to Shadow and he we kind of have something in common, we both don't have parents and we look out for each other..." I thought to myself.

My thoughts when my uncle said,"Well? Do you like him or not?" I blushed and said,"well maybe I kind of have a crush on Link" Uncle Bill smirked and said,"I knew it! there's a love triangle going on!"

"Oh shut up!" I shouted.


I listened to their conversation and I heard (Y/N) said,"Well maybe I kind of have a crush on Link"

"WHAT?! (Y/N) is in love with Link?! what the hell does she even see in him! this is getting out of hand I knew I should've stopped her from leaving castle town when I had still had the chance, I think I better say something to her and fast!" I thought to myself.


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