Chapter 38 Zelda's Sacrafice

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I managed to get into Zelda's room and when I got there Zelda wasn't here. Suddenly I heard a thud and when I turned around Midna was lying on the floor just then I saw a hand touching Midna's cheek and I looked up and it was Zelda. Midna raised her hand and Zelda held it and she said,"Please... Please tell me... How do we break...the curse on this one?"

I looked back at Midna and she said," the one... You need save your world! That's why... Princess... Please... You must help Link..."


I raised my hand and then my right hand glowed and I knew what he needs to do. I then said,"What binds him is a different magic than what transformed him when he first passed the curtain of twilight. It is an evil power."

Link then looked at me and I said,"Our world is one of balance... Just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is benevolence to banish evil. Head for the scared grove that lies deep within the lands guarded by the spirit Faron. There you will find the blade of evil's bane that was crafted by the wisdom of the ancient sages... the Master Sword. The Master Sword is sacred blade that evil can never touch. Evil cloaks you like a dark veil...and that blade is the only thing that can cleave it. Link... Hero sent by the goddesses..."

I raise my glowing hand to show Link and said,"Like you, I have been granted special powers by the goddesses..."


After I looked at Zelda's hand Midna then said,"Fine... Link... You and... You and (Y/N) can get to the woods...on your own, right? Princess... I have one last request... Can you tell him...where to find the Mirror of Twilight?"

Zelda's eyes widen in shock and she then said,"Midna... I believe I understand now just who and what you are... Despite your mortal injuries, you act in our stead... These dark times are the result of our deeds, yet it is you who have reaped the penalty. Accept this now, Midna. I pass it to you..."

Zelda's body started to glow brightly and then some of her light was being passed onto Midna. Midna was then lifted up in the air and she shouted,"No! Link! STOP HER!" Zelda opened her eyes and she smiled at Midna and then she lets go of her hand and then she fades away. After that happened Midna was back to her old self and we both looked at the same spot where Zelda disappeared and Midna then said,"Let's go back, Link! Back to Faron Woods!"

After she said that she climbed onto my back and before we left we took one last look at the spot where Zelda vanished and Midna then said,"Zelda... I've taken all that you had to give...though I did not want it."


I opened my eyes and I realised I fell asleep and when I tried to get up something was holding me down and I remembered Shadow was here and he was holding me very close to his chest. I shook him a little and said,"Hey Shadow, wake up." Shadow groaned sleepily and said,"Hmm... Let me sleep a bit longer, (Y/N)..."

"Shadow you're awake aren't you?! Wake up you moron!" I shouted. Shadow opened his eyes and then he saw me on top of him and he said,"(Y/N)? what happened?" I said,"Well, I guess we both fell asleep last night." Shadow then said,"I guess so."

Shadow stroked my cheek but then there was a growling noise from my stomach and then I hid my embarrassed face in Shadow's chest. I said,"Oh man...How embarrassing... Just then I heard an even louder growl from Shadow's stomach I looked him and his cheeks blushed in embarrassment. We both looked at each other and then we both burst into laughter. Shadow then said,"Oh brother, looks like we're both hungry." I then said,"Come on let's back to my place and I'll make us both something to eat."

We both got up and then I took Shadow's hand and then we both walked back to Castle town. Once we got back to the abandoned house I made some beef stew for the both of us. Shadow and I were talking about what were up to but Shadow didn't seem like he wanted to talk about what he was doing it's like he was hiding something.

I then said,"Hey I know I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I found my big brother." Shadow looked surprised and he said,"What? Zoro? I thought he was away collecting bounties in a different country."

I smiled and said,"That's what I thought to but it turns out he came back after mum and dad died and he went into hiding for some reason." Shadow then said,"I see you must be happy now that he's back in the picture." I then said,"I am and I told him about the bill that dad left me hopefully if he's still got enough money left he can help me buy back the ranch." Shadow then said,"Speaking of money how is it going so far?"

I went into my pouch and I got my wallet and I let him look inside of it and he said,"Only that much?" I shrugged my shoulders and said,"I'm afraid so, it's not even no where near the amount I'm supposed to pay at the rate I'm going I'll never buy the ranch." Shadow held my hand and said,"Hey don't say that besides you've me, Zoro and that Hero helping you out."

Just then we both heard something from outside and we got up and then we saw a very large barrier surrounding the castle. I said,"Oh man, Link was inside of the castle." Shadow then said,"Wait here I'll go and check it out." Shadow ran off and headed to the castle. Seconds later he came back and said,"It's no good I couldn't get inside the barrier is too strong."

I then said,"Shoot, Sorry Shadow I gotta run it was good seeing you." Shadow then said,"Wait before you go take this." Shadow came closer to me and then he put something around my neck and he said,"This is called a shape shifting stone it has the ability to turn you into a wolf and back." I smiled and said,"Thanks Shadow I'll bet it'll come in handy." Shadow smiled back and said,"I'm sure it will, I'll see you later."

"Bye." After I said that Shadow teleported himself away and as for me I went to look for Link and just when I was about to look for him I saw him and Midna heading in the direction back to Faron Woods. I got onto Diablo and I kicked his side and I followed them. I finally caught up to them and Midna said,"There you are where were you?"

I said,"Long story, hey wait, why is Link still in his wolf form?" Midna then said,"It turns out there's a darker magic that Zant used on him we're going to the Scared Grove in Faron woods there's a sword call Evil's bane that will help Link turn back to normal."

I said,"Evil's bane? wait I've heard of that sword before and I think I know where the scared grove is as well." Midna then said,"Well if you do let's get going!" We all ran as fast as we could back to Faron Woods.


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