Chapter 69 The End of Ganondorf And The Revival Of The Fallen Warriors

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I ran over to (Y/n) and Ganondorf got away from her. I dropped my sword and shield next to her and I held (Y/n) in my arms. I said,"(Y/n)! keep your eyes open! stay with me!" She slowly opned her eyes and she coughed out some blood and she said,"Heh...what a bummer...I didn't think...this was how it was supposed to end." I said,"Don't say that! Don't even try to talk! I'll get help." (Y/n) smiled weakly and said,"Don't bother...I'm not gonna make it...just hurry..and finish off Ganondorf...Hyrule won't be safe as long as he's around."

I felt the tears in the corner of my eye and they threatening to spill. (Y/n) then said,"This is the first time...I've seen this...Link, are you..crying?" The tears fell from my eyes and I said,"It's only because you're dying, please there's gotta be something I can do." (Y/n) then said,"Bring me..the Apple bring it over to me..." I got the apple and she took it in her hands and said,"The think...this one weapon could cause to much trouble..." I smiled sadly and said,"I know, you did everything you could to get it back."

(Y/n) looked up at me and said,"I know...we had a...great adventure...didn't we?" I nodded my head and I said,"(Y/n), I'm sorry..I couldn't protect you!" I said as more tears fell from my eyes. (Y/n) then said," always found ways to protect me from harm..." I looked at her and she closed eye smiled at me and said,"It's more than enough...thank you, Link..."

I then said,"(Y/n), I love you..." I leaned to her lips and I kissed her.


As Link kisses me on the lips, I half opened my eyes and I thought to myself,"Link...I loved you...and Shadow like if you were my brothers...but I realise now... I love you both, as lovers...I'm sorry I couldn't pick any of the end I was stuck in the middle....I love you both so much...sorry mum...looks like...we won't be a family lovers...I'll be with you soon...father..."


Link pulled away from (Y/n)'s lips and then her head fell to the side and her eyes closed and her body went limp. Link's eyes widen in shock and he held her lifeless close to his chest. Link's tears fell from his eyes and grits his teeth and he shouts,"NNNNOOOOO!!!!" Link's voice echoed throughout the field with graving. Zelda starts to cry as well. Zoro couldn't hold back his tears anymore and he lowers his head and he covers his eyes. Shadow shook his head and he teleports to (Y/n) and he saw her lifeless body.

Shadow fell to his knees and he said,"No...this can't be happening...(Y/n)..." Link looked at Shadow and said,"I'm sorry, Shadow, she's dead." Shadow lowered his head and he starts to cry. Ganondorf smirked and said,"How pathetic, out of all people you two had to fall in love with that woman who is an assassin I'm surprised that she lasted this long, oh well, that kid should have stayed out of this fight when she had the chance but instead she decided to join in the fight anyway, what stupid brat she was."

Shadow and Link grit their teeth. Shadow the glared Ganon and he threw one of his fire balls at him. Ganon was sent flying on the ground and he flipped so that he was crouching. He said,"What the?! Where did that come from?!" Shadow stood up and he said,"You murdered the only woman that Link and I will ever love..." Link gently places (Y/n) on the ground and he placed her hands on top of the apple and he also stood up and he stood next to Shadow.

Link then said,"You're going to pay for you've done, we're going to end this fight one and for all!" Shadow and Link charged at Ganon and they both started to attack him in different directions. Zoro who was watching the fight with the princess he said,"I can't believe those two are working together." Zelda then said,"(Y/n) would have loved to have seen those in action."

Zoro nods his head at her comment. Suddenly, Ganon was on the ground and Shadow then said,"Let's finish this together!" Link nods his head and he said,"Now!!" They both leaped onto the air and the rolled in mid-air and then both stabbed Ganon in the chest. Ganon laid there with his mouth open as the light and dark evil's bane stabbed Ganon in the chest while Zoro smirked at them, Zelda smiled at them both and Link and Shadow stared at Ganon angrily.

They both flipped away from him as Ganon screams in pain. Shadow and Link stood there as they watched Ganon up weakly and he said,"Do not think this ends here... History of light and shadow will be written in blood!!" Shadow then said,"I don't care, go to hell."

Ganon looked at his right hand and then the triforce of power stops glowing and the white scar on Ganon's chest disappears. As Ganon's eyes slowly start to close he saw Zant and Gina smirking at him. As the both of them moved their heads to the side there was a cracking sound from them. Ganon's eyes crawled back and then he slowly closes his eyes and he lowers his head.


We all stood there as Ganondorf dies after being stabbed in the chest by my dark sword and Link's sword. I then headed to (Y/n) and I gently picked her up in my arms. The apple rolled out of her hands and it rolled away from her. I looked at her face and I said,"I'm sorry (Y/n), I promised your father that I would protect you...but, in the end I failed..." I pressed my forehead against hers and I lone tears fell from my eye and it landed on her face.

Just then, the Apple started to glow and then a familiar figure appeared from it. My eye widen at this and Zoro and I knew exactly who it was. Zoro said,"Dad..?" I said,"James..?" He walked towards me and he said,"I saw the whole fight, you did a good job on stopping Ganondorf you two, back then, not even I could stop him...but thanks to you two he's gone."

Link lowered his head and said,"It wasn't just us who tried to stop him, (Y/n) tried to stop him as well, but she-" James then said,"I know, however, (Y/n) is not ready to join the fallen assassins in the next world." We were all shocked by his comment. James knelt down to her body and said,"(Y/n) is still young and she has a lot to learn about us and the assassins and she's also got you two to worry about."

James then gently places his hand on (Y/n)'s wound and he closed his eyes. There was a glow from (Y/n)'s wound and James' hand as well. Once the glow faded away, (Y/n)'s wound was gone. My eyes widen at this and James then said,"This will be the only time that I'll save her there won't be a next time, Zoro." Zoro looked at James and he said,"Look after your mother and sister for me, OK?" James said as he disappeared.

Zoro nodded his head and then I heard groan a little. I looked at her and she then slowly opened her eyes.


I slowly opened my eyes and I then looked up and I saw Shadow smiling at me. He said,"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I smiled at him and I shouted,"Shadow!!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and I tackled him onto the ground. I felt tears in the corner of my eyes and I said,"Shadow! Thank goodness! You're all right!" Shadow hugged me back and he said,"(Y/n) I thought I lost you."

I noticed Link and he said,"(Y/n)! You're alive!" I smiled and I ran up to him and I hugged him tightly. Link then said,"Geez...don't scare us like that." I pulled away and I said,"I don't intend to again." Just a whack on my head. I clutched my head and shouted,"OW!! Zoro what was that for?!!"

Zoro then said,"That's what you get for scaring the daylights out of me! What's wrong with you?! I thought I lost you!" I said,"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you all, I guess I just got careless." Shadow placed his hand on my shoulder and said,"It's fine, the important thing is that you're alive." I smiled at his comment and then stopped smiling and said,"I wish I could say the same to Midna, she's the only one who didn't make it out of this."

We all lowered our heads slightly at this. Just then the four light spirits appeared from a distance and we noticed someone in distance as well. The four light spirits looked at us and they faded away. We looked at that mysterious person in the distance and I said,"Wait, is that?" Shadow then said,"It couldn't be." Zoro then said,"It has to be her." Link then said,"Midna?" Link took a few steps forward and then he runs towards Midna and I followed after him.


(Y/n) and I ran up the hill and we saw a cloaked person. (Y/n) and I were panting a little and then she stood up and turned to look at us. I opened my mouth in shock and (Y/n) looked at her shocked. It was Midna and she looked completely different she was more beautiful and she was no longer an Imp.

We stood there for a few seconds until Midna said,"What? Say something! Am I so beautiful that you have no words left?" (Y/n) and I smiled at her and we looked at each other. The others then showed up and they saw Midna with shock on their faces when they saw what she actually looked like. I was so happy to see (Y/n) and Midna alive, it was the best thing that has happened.


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