Chapter 45 A Giant In Zora's Domain!?

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I was sitting in the throne room with Zant and he was telling me about how he saw those two alive and well and how he used the black blade on that fossilised monster. I said,"(Laughs), I see, I heard that creature used to be a guardian in ancient times but then all of a sudden it died but you do know it'll have to take more than just that monster to get rid of it." Zant looked at me and said,"It won't even matter, if they did get past it they can't get here anyway."

I smirked and said,"That's true, but it's too bad that pathetic of her's locked this away here in this palace otherwise, I wouldn't have to get my hands on it." I held up the Apple of Eden in my hand. It was the most beautiful thing I was able hold. As I was admiring it's beauty Zant said,"It's too bad I couldn't control it I would've become even more powerful with it but you do deserve it."

"Thank you Zant." I said. Just then one of my black messenger birds came and said,"Miss Gina, The assassin and the hero have defeated that monster and they've made it to the mirror chamber but those sages told them where the three mirror shards are hidden."

"What!? Damnit! I knew this would happen! Fine I guess this means I'll have to deal with that assassin my self!" I shouted. I got up from the stair but then Zant said,"Hold it Gina!" I turned to look at him and he said,"You don't have to kill her you're forgetting that those shards contain dark power and if any one or anything touches them well you know what will happen." I smirked at his comment and said,"Ohh yeah, I almost forgot about that."


I peeked over from the pillar and I saw Gina and she held a golden like object in her hand I wasn't sure what it was but I knew I had to tell (Y/n) about this. I used my black smoke and I teleported to the Mirror Chamber. By the time I got to the Mirror Chamber they were already gone so I knew where they had gone, they went to look for the mirror shards.



Link and I were riding at Hyrule Field trying to figure out how to get the mirror shard from the snowy mountains. I asked (Y/n),"Do you have any idea how we're gonna get the mirror shard?" She thought for a moment and said,"Not a clue, but I'm gonna head back to the Sacred Grove and figure out where the second shard could be."

I said,"All right you do but be careful." (Y/n) then said,"And Link, I may have an idea where you could get some help try talking to that group again maybe one of them will know what's happening at the snowy mountains." I said,"OK thanks, meet me back at Zora Domain if you found out anything about the other Mirror shard." I said and then we went our separate ways once again.


After Link and I split I headed back to the Sacred Grove and when I got there everything was pretty much the same. I looked around the place and so far nothing so when I turned around I saw an arch that was above me. I went to have a look but there was a statue blocking the way and I knew that this arch was some kind of door.

"Oh well, doesn't look like there's much else for me look for I'll have to come back here later with Link after we got the first mirror shard." I said to myself. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist and I knew it was Shadow. I shouted,"Shadow!?" Shadow smirked and said,"Hey, long time no see?" I placed my hands on top of his and said,"Hey Shadow, What are you doing here?"

"I came here to check up on you and there's something I need to tell you." I turned to face him and he had a serious look on his face. He said,"Gina and Zant have a some kind of strange object with them back in the Twilight Relem they said it was called the Apple of Eden." I was shocked at this and I said,"What!? Are you sure it was THE Apple of Eden?" "Yeah, why have you heard of it before." I said,"Yeah, my father once told me about the apple I never expected that it actually existed." I said.

"I can't tell shadow that I already know about the location where the Apple of Eden is hidden, I better keep my mouth shut for now," I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a warm hand touch my cheek softly and then Shadow came closer my face and he then smirked and said,"You really have grown up, you're no longer that scared little girl I remember any more, I think you've finally become a strong woman, (Y/n)."

He said as he pulled me close to him and then he kissed me on the lips. This time it was more passionate than before I gripped his tunic tighter wanting more of his warm lips. After our lips parted Shadow disappeared leaving some of his black smoke behind him. I snapped back to reality and I headed back to Zora's Domain. When I got back I saw Link entering the cave so I finally caught up to him and he told me there's someone who can help us on how we can get through the snowy mountains.


(Y/n) and I went through the passage way that leads to Snowpeak anyway. When we went through the passage way it started to get colder and when we got to the other side it was freezing and there was a large lake but we could see the rest of the path that was across from the lake because of the blizzard.

There was Ashei standing on the edge of the cliff where we were dressed in a snow suit and she was wearing a yeti's mask and then she turned around to see us and she said,"Link. (Y/n)." She took her mask off and she said,"What brings you two to a dangerous place like this? Ever since Zora's Domain got covered in ice, this mountain's been much colder than usual, yeah? Not only that, but I heard a really weird story from the Zoras."

Ashei looked at the mountain and said,"Apparently, the beast that lives somewhere on this mountain has been seen frequently in Zora's Domain." She then looked back at us and said,"I was curious, so I came and waited...and as they'd said, a giant appeared!"

"A giant you say?" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, it looked like this..." Ashei went into her pouch and she got a sketch of this 'Giant' she mentioned and gave it to me. She then said,"Apparently, this thing's been stealing red fish from the village. I want to investigate further...but I can't even see the path through this blizzard, yeah? I'm sure you two are curious about the mountain, but you'd best not go without a plan." I said,"Ashei's absolutely right if we go through now we'll only get lost." 

"Yeah, come on let's go and ask the Zoras about this giant that's been stealing their fish." (Y/n) said and then we both headed back to Zora's Domain.

To Be Continued...

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