Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

"I'm just going to the shop! Do any of you want anything?" I called out.

Everyone replied with a 'no' so I grabbed my wallet and keys then got in the car to drive to the shop.

Jayde has been off school ever since the bullying incident. I'm trying to find her a place at another school but everywhere seems to have no room.

Yet again the doctors keep calling me. I'm ignoring them because I can't face their annoying calls.

I'm also getting calls from an unknown number. I got a new phone so i'd lost all my contacts. The person continuously called but never left a message.

I finally reached the shop and pulled a shopping trolley around picking up what we needed when my ended up ramming into someone.

"Oh god...I'm sorry!" I said after noticing I had made the person tumble to the floor "Here...Let me help you" I said and helped them picked their things up.

I looked at the person quickly and it was a girl. Probably my age if not a little younger.

I picked all her things up then helped her off the ground.

"Thanks" She smiled and I nodded then continued to look at the shelf behind me.

I picked a few things up then began to look a the list again.

"I'm Carla by the way...Carla Richman" She said.

Cara Richards?

No Luke.Carla Richman.

"I'm Luke....Luke Hemmings" I awkwardly said trying to avoid a huge conversation. I'm not that good with talking to people as it is let alone being depressed over a death and talking to another girl.

"Can I...Get your number?" She smiled sweetly.

Think of Cara.

But she's dead.

You love Cara.

She could help you forget her.

Voices inside me argued whether I should or not.

"Erm...Sure" I mumbled and put my number in her phone.

She gave me a sweet smile before walking away.

What have you done Luke? Your still married! Dead or alive your still married!

I got to the checkout when my phone buzzed.

'From Unknown

Hey its Carla. Fancy meeting for a coffee? I have no plans tonight :( x'

Maybe I just need a friend.

Luke, you have the boys for that.

"Shut up!" I accidentally screamed at the voices in my head out loud.

Everyone began to stare but I just ignored them.

I paid for my things then went to the car.

I honestly had a argument out loud with myself on what to send to Carla.

"Luke? Have you forgotten me already?" I heard.

It was Cara.

"No! Of course I haven't! I'm just lonely...I love-" I cut myself of soon as I realized no one was there.

'Luke this is cheating'

'Cara's dead...Meet the girl'

'She can help you forget'

'Stop being an idiot and meet her '

'Cara isn't coming back'

"Shut up and leave me alone!" I screamed at the voices.

I began to drive home crying because of the voice.

Once I pulled up. Tyler came running out to get the shopping.

"Luke? You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah...I'm going to meet a friend...I'll be back soon" I sighed.

'Your not divorced yet'

'Going on a date with another girl? Stupid'

'How would Cara feel? You promised you wouldn't leave her'

"Oh that's good...Who is he?" He asked.

"It's a she...Her name is Carla" I bit onto my lip and he shook his head.

"Wow" He spat then walked in.

I began to drive to the cafe I was meeting her at then went to sit down once I saw her waiting.

"Hey" She smiled.

"Hi" I mumbled and sat down.

"So Luke...What do you do for a living?" She asked.

"Oh...I'm in a band...I have 6 kids at home...Sadly my wife passed away a few months back but we're coping" I sighed "You?" I asked.

"Well...I'm still living with my mum because I don't have much money...I've been single for a while and i'm 25" She smiled.

"I'm 23" I nodded a little.

"I'd like to meet you again sometime Luke...You seem nice" She said.

'Cara...She's watching you...You promised not to leave her'

'Why are you not answering? Meet her again you shit!'

'Are you an idiot? Say yes!"

The voices in my head continued to scream but I ignored them.

"Sure...I'll message" I said then left.

She's nice and I think she'd be a good friend.




i know things might be getting confusing but stick with me.


ig- lukessboner

twitter- b00tymuke

kik- ashhemmo96

Torn in two (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now