Chapter 8

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Cara's POV

Me and Tyler walked around the streets just talking about random things and laughing.

Luke had to go home to the psycho 'girlfriend' of his. He completely missed band practice so the boys are really annoyed.

I might go see the boys but they still think i'm dead so they'd probably be scared if I just turn up.

We sat down outside a small pub and I sat on my phone while Tyler went inside to go to the toilet.

"Cara..." A man said from behind me.

"Yeah?" I said and jumped out of my seat soon as I saw who it was.

"Please...Sit down...I need to tell you something" He sighed.

"Fuck off! Why the fuck should I come anywhere near you?! You nearly killed me!" I said loudly.

"I know...But I need to say something important" It was my dad "It's about Luke and the kids..." He added.

I slowly sat down and he sat opposite.

"Carla has a plan...She wants to-" He started but Tyler came over.

"Who's this?" He asked.

My dad looked at me and I shrugged.

"Why are you looking at me? Focus on the son you tried to shoot" I rolled my eyes.

"This is our dad?" His face filled with anger "I fucking-" He went to punch him but I grabbed him by the hand.

"Just sit" I whispered.

"Why do you trust him?" He whispered to me.

"He needs to tell me something about the kids and Luke" I sighed and he finally sat down.

He called the waiter over so he could order. I still don't know if I should trust him?

"I'll have a beer...Cara do you want a wine? Tyler a coke?" He asked as trying to sound sweet.

"I'm fucking 19...I'll have a beer" Tyler rolled his eyes.

"I'll just have a tea...I have kids and a brother to look after...I don't plan on coming home drunk" I said.

The kids were at a playgroup so I could have a day out with Tyler...And apparently my dad.

Once the waiter brought our drinks over, he sighed before starting to talk.

"So Carla...She has this plan that she wants me to do and-" He started but I cut him off.

"Why aren't you doing this plan? It's not like you to turn things that involve trouble down" I mumbled and he looked like he was getting angry but I was so sick of his shit I didn't even care. If he flips out here he will get arrested. Which is good.

"She was ordering me around...And I hate that" He groaned.

"Yeah...I know" I rolled my eyes. I've always been on the receiving end when it came to him being bossed about. He'd take his anger out on me.

"She wants to kill Luke...Then she knows if she's lost Luke it will make you weak so then she wants to kill Tyler because she found out about his letter...Then she wants to take your kids...She knows once you've lost all them people you will see no point in living so you'll save her the work and kill yourself...She has it all planned" He told me.

Should I trust him?

"Why should I trust you? Is this another one of your traps? Why should I believe you?" I asked him "Are you just setting me up?" I asked again.

"If I was setting you up...Why would I give you this?" He said and put a white plastic bag in my bag.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it when you get home...I want Carla dead just like you do...And there is something else I should tell you" He said seeming sad.

"What?" I asked then groaned.

"Luke is already at my house...Carla took him there" He said and I stood straight up.

I ran straight away with Tyler following me. I was so angry. Luke was in danger and I don't know if I should trust all the information I've just been given.

We was in London still so I ran straight to the hotel and pulled out the bag my dad had put in.

"What is it?" Tyler asked after locking the door.

I opened it and it was two guns,3 big stacks of money and pieces of paper with other information on. There is way over a grand in money there.

"I need to save Luke" I said and put the gun in my back pocket.

"And what are we meant to do with the kids?" He asked.

"Well you'll look after them obviously" I rolled my eyes.

"No fucking way! I'm coming with you!" He half yelled "Your not alone Cara...Luke means a lot to me too" He said quieter.

My last hope was going to the boys for help since Joe was in LA and Liz was obviously at her house in Australia.

I picked up the Alec and Connor then Tyler picked up Justin and Theo. Amy and Jayde walked together as we went to the boys flat.

They were still living in the same one I was in when I moved in with them.

I knocked on the door after putting the babies down next to their bags that I packed.

"Hello- What the fuck" Michael basically screamed after seeing me "Bloody ghost!" He screamed then threw a book at me.

"I'm here you idiot! I wasn't even dead" I screamed.

"Oh...What do you need?" He asked.

"For all of you to look after the kids" I basically begged.

"What's wrong with Luke doing it? Or has that new girl of his kept him house bound...You know he hasn't been to 5 shows and about 10 rehearsals since being with her" Michael seemed angry.

"I'll explain when I get back...I just really need you to do this" I begged again.

He rolled his eyes before saying "Fine".

"Okay...You two need to help out look after your brothers...I'll be back as soon as possible...I love you both okay?" I said to Jayde and Amy.

"Are you leaving us again?" Jayde nearly cried.

"Of course not! I'll only be a day..." I swallowed a lump in my throat.

They both nodded then gave me a hug.

They ran in once Michael said he will put a film on for them. He took all the babies in so me and Tyler could leave straight away.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready" He answered.



dun dun duuun

like chapter 8 and a shit storm has already happened lol

should she trust her dad? ;))


keep sending ideas :)


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