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okay listen up because I've had ENOUGH of this!

Firstly, I just want to say don't write 'Update bitch' or 'Omg its been like a week since you last updated! i'm gettting bored!'...Yes, I don't mind 'Update please' or 'Update I love your books!' because they're polite. But calling me names and saying you're bored because I'M VERY BUSY OUTSIDE OF WATTPAD is out of order. I have revision for important exams to do, helping my family out and managing to have a social life. I'm also going through a hard time right now and i'm trying to battle against my depression, eating disorder, insomnia, suicidal thoughts and other things. I will update as much as I can. I kinda like to keep you guys in suspense because I enjoy seeing how excited you all are for the new update or whatever. I just don't like feeling pressured into updating. And, if I put a 'A/N' or 'NEW FANFIC!' or anything along them lines, don't comment 'So annoyed this isn't an update' or 'Update already' because that's just rude. If its been more than a week or so it's probably because I've got writers block (And trust me I hate it) 

Secondly, don't you fucking dare call Cara a whore. The reason she sleeps with boys is because of what she's used too. She's scared that they will hurt her if she doesn't sleep with them and she also thinks that all boys expect it if she's nice to them because, again that's what used to happen to her. Every time she spoke to a boy they ended up wanting it. DON'T YOU DARE PUT THINGS LIKE 'She's such a slut' or 'She's so unloyal' or my favorite 'I'm done with her, she's such a whore. I'm leaving'. Fine, leave! If you can't handle what my characters think or feel then B-Y-E! Also, don't call Cara a 'Bitch' or 'An idiot' for 'killing herself' in drifting away because that is VILE, she had depression and felt like she was useless because the doctors told her to rest all the time and she couldn't play with her children or do anything with Luke which made her scared he'd cheat on her. Stop calling her things because it offends me because part of me is in Cara. Don't call Luke things either, I saw someone calling him fucked up earlier and I didn't respond because I'd cause too much conflict because I found that disgusting. Liam is okay with me saying this, Luke is pretty much based on him. Liam hasn't lost anyone to something but he does have the same conditions Luke does and more. So it offends both of us which is why he defends me if he see's hate so don't give him hate because you don't know him as well as I do. Send him some love guys liamthepenguin

Thirdly, its rude that people DM me with links to their stories saying 'Read and give me feedback. thanks'. Okay, 1. Where is my hello? How are you? How about we have a nice conversation first? 2. I'll always add them to my library but I am busy writing my own and also the things I've mentioned above. I don't really read fanfics anymore because i'm not logged in on my phone and if i'm logged in on my phone my phone just goes of every 5 seconds with *Enter random username* has voted for 'Adopted by 5SOS? Chapter 14' all the time. So I don't use the app, i'm just on the computer but I do see your comments because I get an email for it. So don't think this gives you an excuse to give hate because 'It's okay she won't see it' because I do and i'm not afraid to respond if it offends me because i'm sick of hate and I won't stand for it anymore. It's annoying and it will just delay my updates even more because I sit and debate if I should write what I have in mind for the next chapter. I'm sorry if what I write offends you in some way but that doesn't give you an excuse to hate me. 

Fourthly, if you're someone that I tell my ideas to just so I don't forget or I want a slight opinion HOW DARE YOU STEAL THEM. I told someone some of my ideas because I wanted to make sure I don't forget and someone then DM'ed me a link to a book (which originally I ignored because I thought they just wanted me to read their book and I have never spoke to them before anyway which just made me ignore it more because that is what I do if I get demanding messages) anyway, while I was answering my messages I saw it wasn't even their book so I looked at it and it was the girl I told my ideas to. She took 'Aly Antorcha' (the girl who plays Cara) and made something completely similar to 'Adopted by 5SOS?' the girl was homeless and on the way to an interview the boys saw her sitting in the corner looking for money (Instead of Ashton finding her walking to the meeting and spilling coffee on her then taking her in) they then took her in blah blah blah. A few chapters later she was pregnant and Luke left her the exact same way he left Cara then a few chapters later they met at a festival blah blah blah...Moving further ahead, they had sextuplets (6 babies at once, pretty much like Cara did except she had quadruplets) later on, she was then diagnosed with a disease and it was slowly killing her so she hung herself (Whereas Cara took an overdose). Luke then began to get mental conditions and met another girl who was an ex murderer (Whereas Carla was just psychotic) and that girl had a similar name to the other girl (Her name wasn't Cara, I would have stabbed a bitch if it was). That girl then hurt and abused the other children and tried to killed two of the babies (Whereas mine was just Jayde) then the other came in and beat the other girl up then ran away again (But in mine, Cara came back, spoke to Jayde then went away with the kids'....I never say these things but that all happened in the space of 20 chapters (Mine happened over the space of four books). The chapters were also about two pages long and the grammar was awful (I NEVER SAY THEM THINGS AT ALL BUT IF YOU'RE GOING TO COPY MY STUFF AT LEAST MAKE IT BETTER THAN MINE). Lastly, If I tell you an idea for a book or a chapter then give me credit because them book ideas were ones I was going to write but didn't have time for. 

And finally, just stop picking on me when I use 'Was' instead of 'Were' (then the other way round) Or I forget to but a ' to make 'We're'. I'm not perfect, no author is. EVERY author has an editor. May favorite author of all time JK. Rowling (The Author of Harry Potter that inspired me to start writing and let my imagination run wild...I also had the chance to meet her but I missed her because the book signing finished before I could get up there...Can we bare in mind I was like 6...I also went to three Harry Potter premiers and got days of school to watch the films in cinema) has an editor because even she makes mistakes. EVERY author does. I admit my grammar isn't perfect but laughing at me and correcting me is in NO WAY funny. It's funny when my friend do it on group chats  but that's only because I know they're joking but the people that correct me aren't. 

Okay i'm finished with my rants now.

This doesn't just go out to this series, it goes out to all of my books.

Thank you to the people that remain supportive. Again, I don't mind you dm'ing asking me for help on writing but at least start a conversation first, be polite and patient...

And listen to drag me down bc FML NIALL ASEJFSJF.

Night txbetes (my nickname for you guys)


Bye x 

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