Chapter 12

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Cara's POV

It was a few weeks later and things were sort of looking up in a way. Luke was performing again but he still wasn't himself and Jayde has been upset a lot recently. She hasn't spoke to Luke since the day I came back so I know something is definitely up between them. She's probably still scared of that psycho bitch and if she will make a return. She hasn't left her room. She only leave for her dinner because majority of the time Luke is late home because of band practice and performances so when its breakfast I take it up to her room and I do the same with her lunch. I really hope they sort this out because I just want to piece my family back together.

I'm now pretty sure Tyler has a girlfriend because he's always going out dressing nicely and smiling at his phone every time it flashes. He's happy and i'm glad.

As for me. I'm just putting on a brave face because I want my smile and happiness to rub off on my family.

Putting all my thoughts aside I began with dinner. It was only garlic chicken and chips because it was late and its the quickest thing to make.

I dished it up the called everyone through for dinner. Luke was here with us for dinner tonight but I did struggle to get Jayde to sit with us. She eventually did but sat down at the end of the table.

"So...What did you do at school today Jayde?" Luke asked her and she ignored him.

"Jayde...Your dad is talking to you" I said to her and she just looked up at me.

"I'm not hungry" She mumbled to pushed her plate down the table and ran back upstairs.

"Just let her calm down" I said to Luke as he was about to chase after her.

The rest of the dinner was silent. All I could hear was Luke mumbling to himself again. It's come back. Whatever is wrong with him has came back. He's having nightmares, hearing voices and going through serious depression. He is refusing to go to counselling because he doesn't want someone to fuss over him and think badly of him.

Alec began to cry so I held him and tried to calm him down. As I did Luke began to mumble more nonsense which got louder and louder as he covered his ears from whatever he was hearing.

"Just shut up! Everyone just shut up! I can't deal with this anymore!" He screamed and flipped the table over.

"Amy...Take your brothers upstairs" I said "Quickly!" I yelled and she did as I said.

I walked over to Luke who was currently rocking back and fourth in the corner while crying.

"Luke..." I softly said and knelt down next to him.

"Don't touch me" He moved away from my touch.

"Luke...You have to tell me whats wrong" I said and he looked at me.

His eyes were red and bloodshot from the crying and his whole body was shaking from whatever I do not know.

"I can't do this anymore...I can't deal with all this pain...This world is wrong and I just can't deal with it" He cried "I can't deal with my life anymore...Everything has gone wrong...My daughter hates me just like everyone else" He cried even more.

"She doesn't hate you...I guess she's just upset that you chose someone else over her...Give her time and she'll come round" I sighed and rubbed his leg.

"I wish I was dead...Why did Tyler have to fucking help me when I tried...People would be better off without me" He cried even more then I've seen someone cry before.

"Luke! Don't you ever say that! I need you...The babies need you, our daughters need you and so do the lads. Think of the fans! How sad will they be if you were to die? They'd be more than heartbroken and think of the boys. They're like your brothers...What about me? We've lost each other so much...You can't leave me" I tried not to cry.

"You'll get over it" He rushed then picked a chopping knife up but before he mad any sudden movements I snatched it from his hand and threw it behind me.

"Luke...Shh...I'm going to get you help" I eventually began to cry "Your not well babe...We're going to get you sorted out" I sighed and called up a counselling rehab.

They said they will come straight away to pick him up because I said it was serious and needed to be sorted out before he has any shows.

"I don't know whats wrong with me" He cried into my chest and I just held onto him trying to comfort him.

I heard a knock at the door so I just called out for them to come in which they did and ran straight to the kitchen.

"Luke? My name is Anne...We're going to take you away for a little while" The women smiled at him.

"Who are these people?" He whispered to me.

"Their going to make you better...I promise" I said then kissed him before then walked him out.

"Will I see you again?" He rushed while choking on tears.

"Your not getting rid of me that easily" I said and he gave a little smile but he was still crying a lot.

I saw the car that the people had took him away in drive off and I sighed. At least he's going to get better.

"Hey...We saw what happened. Are you okay?" I heard and I turned to see the boys.

"Well...Seeing my husband get dragged away by the men in white coats wasn't exactly the highlight of my year..."I sighed and we all walked inside.



i managed to write this in 15 minutes wtf







keep your ideas coming guuuys :)


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