Chapter 13

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Cara's POV

I was getting so sad as each day dragged on. They've started counseling with Luke but he's struggling with opening up to anyone around him.

"Cara...Why don't you come out with us and the boys?" Tyler offered "Luke's mum is looking after the kids" He added.

I do honestly need to have some fun. I've been trapped in this house ever since Luke left. Jayde still won't talk to anyone. She's began ignoring me now so I also plan on getting her counselling.

"Fine" I mumbled and went upstairs to get changed.

I out on a white crop top, black jeans and black converse then a gold necklace. I done my make up how it normally is and left pink hair in its normal curls.

"I don't want to be out for long" I sighed as me,Tyler,Michael,Ashton and Calum walked to the car.

I was having such a laugh with everyone while downing shots and other drinks. They seemed to take me out of reality for a while.

I went over to the pub bar to get another drink when a man stood next to me smiling.

"Can I help you?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I was just wondering why a pretty girl like you was up here alone" He smiled again. In a way he was attractive. His hair was messy and brown, he was tall but his fashion sense was terrible or may be i'm just used to Luke's fashion.

"I'm not alone I have friends over there" I pointed to the table we was sat on and saw everyone was staring at me "So i'm going back to them now" I said and walked back to the table. I hear all his friends laugh at him for failing to pull a girl which I found funny.

I sat back down and started listening to what Michael was saying about tour. He said the fans themselves wanted them to postpone it due to the circumstances. He said Luke wasn't performing too well. He was forgetting the lines, playing the wrong notes and going into daydreams on stage which only got me worrying more.

As I was about to say something my phone began to ring and I was it was Liz.

"Hey...What's wrong?" I said trying to make myself sound sober.

"I didn't really want to ruin your night out but its Jayde" She sighed.

"What's happened?" I rushed making everyone look at me.

"She's just admitted all her feelings lately...You seriously need to speak with her" She seemed upset and serious so I grabbed my things, hung up the phone then left to get back home because that's where she was babysitting.

When I walked in I immediately walked up to Jaydes room and she was crying while looking at a family photo.

"Babe...What's wrong?" I sighed and walked closer to her.

"Everything has gone wrong" She mumbled and cried into my chest.

"What do you mean?" I said and played with her hair.

"Dad's gone...I'm not at school and Amy is being annoying" She began "Tyler has a girlfriend and it feels like you hate me...I think everyone does" She began to cry harder.

"No one hates you! You're loved by so many people...Your dad has gone to get himself better so he can be with us" I sighed and she cuddled into as we laid down.

She was crying. I didn't think i'd ever see her this way until she was much older and understood the world better but she's smart.

"I'm sorry mum...I've been having these thoughts that our family is going to break up and it will all be my fault" She mumbled.

"You need to tell them thoughts they're stupid because they are...We're not going to break up as a family...After your dad is better we're going to do more family things" I tried to reassure her.

"Can we go see him?" She asked and I bit onto my lip.

"When he is a little better we can...I'll call tomorrow okay? It's getting late" I said then tucked her into bed "Night darling" I said then kissed her forehead.

I honestly do need to work on fixing this family so its perfect but then again. No family is perfect. We're a crazy family but in my eyes we're perfect.

"Is she okay?" Liz asked soon as I got downstairs.

"She's just worrying that we're all going to breakup and she honestly just wants her dad...We all need him" I said then sat back down.

"Book a visit tomorrow then see if he's up for her to come as well" She said and walked towards the door "But sober up a little...That act isn't fooling me" She raised her eyebrow at me and I just laughed.



sorry if this was bad but idk what to write anymore.

give me ideas and inspiration

some hot guys hugged me today and theyre older than me.




pls keep telling me your fave memories from the book! they make me smile a lot.


ig- lukessboner

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stay rad


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