Chapter 32

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(The vamps - Another World)

Cara's POV

I had the radio on and I was listening to all the songs that were on a mixtape Amy made me for my birthday. So I was currently listening to The Vamps since she's obsessed with them and expects me to be as well.

"Hey babe" Luke said as he walked in and kissed my cheek.

"How was rehearsal?" I asked.

"Well...It was how it normally is...No work being done except us messing around and people getting annoyed with us" He laughed.

"Sometimes I wonder how you're still a band" I rolled my eyes and kissed him while smiling.

It ended up with me sitting on the kitchen counter while he let his hands glide up my legs and tracing his finger around my rose tattoo.

"Mum can I-Ew" Amy said walking in and I pushed Luke off while laughing.

"Can you what?" I asked.

"Get some advice...GIRL advice" She emphasized so Luke would leave.

"Ew girl talk" He laughed and walked away to go to his office.

"What's happened?" I asked "If you need a proper run down on your lady problems instead of the boys giving you a shit one then feel free to ask questions" I smiled at her and she shook her head.

"This guy I really like is taking me to the cinema tonight and I just wanted advice...On how to not screw up" She asked while blushing.

"Am I meeting this boy? What's he like? Name?" I asked like your usual protective parent.

"His name is Chris and he's very nice..Mum I need advice!" She said clearly nervous and frustrated.

"Let's go get you ready...I'll help you as much as I can" I smiled and walked her upstairs to my room so I could do her hair and make up.


"Oh my god I think that's him" Amy rushed after hearing the doorbell go.

"You look beautiful okay?" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

She was wearing a blue long sleeved crop top with a leather skater skirt and some black platforms. It wasn't a slutty it was a cute outfit. Like I'd let her go out in anything too revealing.

"You're going to be okay...Look, you better get down before your dad completely embarrasses both of you" I said and followed her downstairs to see Luke interrogating the boy she's going out with.

"Luke..." I said and both of them stood up.

"Okay...Home by 8pm no later...And if I -" I cut Luke off.

"Come home when you're ready...Just not too late and stay safe" I smiled and glared at Luke.

"I can drive you" Luke said picking his keys up.

"No need Mr.Hemmings...My dad paid for a taxi to take us" He smiled.

"Well...Don't be home too late" He said again.

"Dad...We get it" Amy mumbled and walked out.

"Oh the boys are here!" Luke smiled and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But...All the kids are out? And the boys are asleep? I thought we're spending a night alone" I said and rubbed his arms.

"I'm not going to be long...Just going out for an hour or so" He said then Calum came running in.

"Ready to go to the cinema bro?" He rushed and I glared at Luke who mumbled something under his breath.

"You're crashing our daughters first date?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No...I bet we're not even watching the same film" He lied. He's the worst liar in the world.

"But that's exactly why we're going" Calum laughed.

"I'm just observing" He shook his head then walked out.

Luke's POV

We got to the cinema and I saw them lining up with their food in their hands. They were both laughing at something and the boys were watching too.

"What are they even going to watch?" Ashton asked.

"This film" I flipped him off with my hand and got the tickets from the box office.

We all walked in trying to blend in as much as possible. I mean four tall men walking into a kids film, even though we went to watch the Lego Movie together we did get stares but literally everyone is glaring at us. We had our hoods up and I had my eye on the 'couple' a few rows in front. 

He was feeding her popcorn and she was giggling at him. It may seem harmless but she's my little girl.

"Luke...They're not doing anything wrong...Just relax" Michael laughed as we watched the film.

We were waiting out in the foyer to see if they come out and when they did they were holding hands and laughing.

He stopped her from walking any further then said something else to her and slowly kissed her.  

"Okay that's it" I said but Ashton pulled me back before I walked over.

"Just wait...Its okay for you to kiss Cara but she can't kiss her boyfriend?" He asked, shaking his head at me.

"That's different...We're adults!" I said "She's a kid!" I yelled a little too loud because everyone soon turned around.

"Dad! Boys! You're so embarrassing!" She said walking over with the boy next to her "Can't you be like mum and be laid back?" She groaned.

"Amy, your dad is just trying to look out for you. I know this boy is nice...He sure as hell better be...You know the things yours mum went through...He just never wants to see you like she was...We're just looking out for you" Calum said and she rolled her eyes.

"Well...My dad needs me at his work...I'll text you then see you at school" He said then looked at all of us before leaving.

"Great!" She sighed throwing her arms in the air while she followed Ashton to the car.

"Mum! Tell dad to stop being so controlling dickhead!" Amy yelled while waking in the house

"Amy! Watch your language!" Cara said back after lazily climbing off the sofa.

"You call him a dickhead all the time! And you call her a bitch!" She yelled.

"Okay we're joking around when we call each other them things! Say sorry!" Cara said and I walked to stand next to her.

"I'm going to bed" She mumbled then ran up the stairs.

"You better be awake and ready early! We're leaving at 9!" Cara screamed up then looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"How long do you think she'll stay made at me?" I asked biting my lip and I could tell she was trying not to laugh.

"Eh...A 14 hour plane ride might calm her down a bit" She laughed "Let's go to bed...You're back to touring and the family is finally coming with you" She smiled.

"Can't wait" I smiled then hugged her.



i'm lacking inspo and energy 


and idk if this was even good because im pretty drunk right now.

GUYS SOMEONE MADE A FAN ACCOUNT ABOUT ME OMG YAY FOLLOW IT PLS - ashisradasf !!! GO GO GO!! I'LL GIVE YA A CUTE DM AND A FOLLOW IF YA DO!!! :) (also you're welcome to make a fan account for me;)))



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stay rad 


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