Chapter 10

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Cara's POV

"Did you really think it was going to be that easy?" Lisa gave a dry laugh off at me while looking me up and down.

"Well I was hoping..." I rolled my eyes "Listen...What the fuck do you want with us? You barely know any of us" I snapped.

"We know so much about you Cara...And you Tyler" Carla said looking at both of us.

"Oh yeah? What do you think you know about me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well...Where do I begin?" She laughed "How about we start that you was in a care home when you was 7 then you and your brother both got sent back...Here" She added.

"How do you know that?" I rushed. Stalker much.

"So that kids home...I understand there was a girl called Molly...She was mean wasn't she? But there was a girl named Alice who was always nice to you" She seemed to be getting pleasure out of revisiting my past.

"So this Molly girl...She hurt you right?" Lisa started "She burnt you didn't she? She got a spoon, held it over the kettle until it was boiling hot then pressed it onto your skin...You have a scar on your right arm don't you?" She smirked at me. 

I held onto my arm where the scar was and they both laughed.


I've been in this care home for a little bit now. I'm happier here and i'm with my brother. I barely see him though. He has to stay with the head workers because he's only little.

But i'm 7 and I can pretty much look after myself. I've been doing that for a while now and i'd look after my brother. That's the main reason we're here. We weren't being looked after properly.

They haven't got full proof if our parents were actually neglecting us because we had no bruises or marks.

I'm scared of my dad. He hurts my mum. He hurts me when he gets angry too. He told me I was a mistake and he wouldn't be like this if I was a boy and a only child.

I picked my coloring book up and walked over to Alice who was sitting with some other kids from the home. She's really nice. She has been in care for longer than me so she helps me through it.

"Casady...You're not sitting there today...You're going to sit with our new guest of the house" Jo said. She owns this care home. She's nice.

I tried to protest but I ended up moving and doing some homework I was given.

"So...Molly...This is Casady but she prefers Cara...I think you two will be great friends" She smiled before leaving us together.

"Do this for me...I told them I was well smart" She said and threw her book at me.

"I have to do mine" I mumbled.

"I wasn't asking...When I tell you to do something you do it" She said and I sighed before doing her homework along with mine.

I sat in my room drawing pictures of people and using them as dolls. Most girls get given dolls when they're growing up but I was never given one.

"I told Jo we're best friends" Molly said coming into my room "We're best friends right?" She snapped and I slowly nodded. She's my age and she's acting like she's way older than me.

She looked at me before picking my arm up and pressing a hot spoon against it.

"That hurt" I said as she left and rubbed my arm.

"Should I wash my hair?" I asked Jo as she walked in the bathroom.

"No hun...I'll get your towel" She smiled before walking out.

"Do you want to play fishes?" Molly smiled as she brushed her teeth.

I didn't say anything. She scared me a lot.

I felt her pull my legs causing me to go underwater and struggle for breath.

Obviously I tried to get back up but I couldn't.

"Stupid fish" She spat before walking out.

As I sat up I took a deep breath and rubbed my face.

"Casady! I told you don't get your hair wet!" Jo shook her head and gave me my towel.

It was the same night and I was in my pj's walking back to my room.

Once I got to my room I saw Molly on my bed cutting up all the drawings I had done.

"Give them" I spoke.

"No" She said then threw the pieces of paper in the air.

"Give me them back!" I screamed and chased her out of my room to the top of the stairs.

"Stupid Cara just like your stupid drawings and your stupid brother" She laughed "Why are you here? Do your parents hate you like I hate you?" She laughed again and I pushed her making her fall down the stairs.

While everyone rushed around her I stood still just watching everyone.

"Casady...She's told us everything" Jo sighed "This is important you tell me the truth...Did you push her?" She asked.

I didn't answer. I just nodded only slightly.

"Well I guess you will be happy to hear that you will be going home tomorrow...Looks like your parents were innocent after all" She smiled.

Everyone is always happy to get rid of me.

*Flashback ends*

"Looks like you and your brother are still unwanted...Both pathetic...Stupid...Worthless" Carla tormented and I felt Luke rub my back.

"Luke...You have a decision...Have both of us...Skinny and pretty girls that can give you anything you want or her...A pathetic fat ugly girl who has nothing but ugly kids and a awful reputation" Lisa laughed 

"We know all about your gang Cara...That you burnt down one of your foster parents house while they were out...You're a disgrace" Carla added.

"By insulting her kids...Your insulting mine...I'd pick Cara and my kids over you two any day" Luke said and hugged me.

"Tyler...You can join us if you like" Lisa turned to Tyler "I mean...We all know you hated your sister" She smirked.

"Okay" He shrugged and walked over to them.

"Tyler?" I spoke in disbelief.

"I'm sorry" He shrugged and walked off with them.

It was only seconds later. I heard a few gunshots and Tyler scream loudly making my heart race.



dun dun dun







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