Chapter 21

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Cara's POV

"And he thinks the whole world revolves around his little pop punk career! Like he won't even take me out anymore because he's scared of twitters reaction!" I slurred to the boys I was sitting with.

I was honestly no longer in control with my actions, arguing with Luke is the only thing I can seem to remember. I don't remember anything right now.

"So...Who's buying me my next drink?" I smirked to all the boys who instantly pulled their wallets out.

"No one is...I'm taking you home" I heard a mans voice say and pull me up.

"Who the fuck are you?" I slurred at the man.

"Your dad...I'm taking you home and you are sleeping this off" He said and picked me up in his arms.

"I'm not a baby! I can walk!" I yelled kicking my legs about.

"Really? You seem to be acting like one now" He said and helped me with my seat belt in the car.




"That noise is hurting my head...Stop" I complained while mumbling my words at the knocking sound.

"You wanted to drink...You face the consequences" He said and I could feel the warm air from the inside instantly hit me.

"What the hell?" I heard a boy say.

"She's drunk...I found her in a pub" My dad said and I crawled into the living room then pulled my knees up to my chest.

There was smashed pieces of glass and knocked over ornaments all over the floor, some pieces of glass were digging into me but it didn't seem to bother me.

I could hear slight muffled talking but whatever substances I have consumed tonight has restricted me from hearing straight. I remember buying my first drink then sitting with some boys after hearing them whistle at me, I remember they offered to buy my drinks so each one of them bought me one every time I drunk my drink someone would go get me another so I didn't have to leave the table. I have no idea how much I've drunk but I know its too much.




I woke up and my head was thumping and I literally felt like I was going to be sick.

"Oh you're awake?" I heard Luke say while seating at the end of the bed putting his shoes in.

"Apparently so" I mumbled and looked at the clock to see it was 8:30am.

I groaned at the thought of having to drop all the kids off at their schools and face all the two faced mums who look at me like i'm trash. I got out of bed, slowly dragging my feet across the cream carpet and opened my wardrobe.

"We need a bigger wardrobe" I said while looking through the wardrobe. We both shared one and both of us own way too many clothes.

"Cara...I have about £30 in my bank...I think a bigger wardrobe is the last thing on my mind" He snapped at me.

"Your acting like you're on a man period" I rolled my eyes and put my underwear on.

"I'm acting how anyone would after your performance last night...You turn up home drunk with your dad, you could barely make it through the stairs and you can still barely walk" He snapped again "Can you wake the kids up...I'll start breakfast" He mumbled and walked out.

I shook off what he said and put on some black jeans with rips all the way down the leg,a black vest,a black leather jacket and my black vans. I filled my black backpack with what I need for the day then done my make-up.

I had all my foundation,blusher,thick eyeliner,mascara,thick dark eyebrows and red lipstick done then I began waking everyone up.

Amy was up and ready and downstairs. I had just put all the babies down in the living room so they could watch their programs.

"Jayde" I said through the door because she was probably still asleep "Jayde!" I said louder and walked in the see she wasn't in her bed.

"Luke!" I yelled.

"What the hell do you want now?" He snapped with a groan.

"Is Jayde down there with you?" I asked.

"No...She's asleep" He said.

"No! No! She's not in bed!" I rushed and he went pale.

I ran back into her room to see majority of her things weren't there but there was a note laying on the bed.

"What's that?" Luke asked.

"A note she left" I said while looking over it.

"What does it say?" He asked and I cleared my throat.

"Mum and Dad. I know if I leave you won't have to pay extra for everything I need or put up with everything I've caused. If I wasn't around things would be happier for all of you. If I was dead it would be even better...I'm sorry for everything...Jayde" I said only just being able to make out what it actually says due to the spelling mistakes. She's smarter than I am but she is 7 so obviously she's not going to be amazing.

"I'll get the police round...You drop the kids off at school" Luke said and held my hand "I'm so sorry" He whispered.

"No...I need to stay here...To talk to the police" I stuttered and he shook his head.

"Honestly, i'll get them round and they'll still be here for when you get back" He said and I nodded.

I dried my eyes then got all the kids in the car trying to force a smile on my face.




"No Jayde today?" The teacher said.

"She's erm...Very ill at the moment" I lied and she gave me a look of sympathy.

"Well I hope she is better soon" She smiled.

I shook my head at her fake statement then turned back to the other mums. These teachers and the mums here are nonstop liars and bitches if i'm honest.

"Oh Cara! I haven't seen you in months!" Kathy,one of the mums that is the biggest gossiper in this playground said kissing both my cheeks.

"Yeah...Its been way too long" I put a fake smile on.

"We should go for coffee soon! Wednesday sound good to you?" She asked with a smile.

"Sure...I'll text you" I said then left the playground.

Once I was back in the car I couldn't help but cry. Everything was getting better but now its not. I can't remember much before last night.

It lit a cigarette then began to drive home while crying.

I can't lose my princess. She was my first born. She means too much to me. I've lost her enough times. I can't lose her again.



yes ik cara is pregnant

but :///@thisupdate



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