Chapter 22

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Cara's POV

I threw my cigarette to the side of the house and when I walked in I was greeted by four policeman and women. They were writing things down and going out of each and every door of the house.

"So? Have you found anything out yet?" I said walking up to them.

"No sorry" One man mumbled and continued to write somethings down on his paper.

"Then you should start doing your fucking properly because you shouldn't be sleeping or eating until she's back here!" I screamed and Luke held my hands behind me because I was beginning to clench my fists.

"I suggest you calm now or i'll have to-" He started but I cut him off.

"Restrain me? Arrest me for wanting my daughter home?" I shook my head and he groaned.

"The note mentioned that she left because you were arguing about money? Or were you both just picking on her?" He said and I went to scream at him but Luke calmed me down.

"We're just in a sticky situation at the moment..." Luke dragged out and I just leaned into him.

"Does she have any close friends that she would run to?" A women asked.

"She's close with all my friends..." I said then named all of the one that she is the closest with.




"Cara? Are you going to eat your dinner?" Luke asked and I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry...All I want is my daughter" I mumbled and pushed the food around in circles while waiting for any type of phone call.

I just want to know where she is, who has her and most importantly if she's even still alive.

The police just seem to be doing nothing at all,they said they won't stop searching until she's found well if that's true, why isn't she found? If three groups of men can't find her then how are they looking properly? She can't of gone far.

"Joe...I'm a little busy right now" I sighed after picking up my phone that was ringing.

"No...She's here with me" He sighed to "I found her under a tree in the park...You know the one that has all your names carved in? She had her blanket over her...I was filming in the park when I saw her...She okay, she's just having something to eat" He added and I took a sighed of relief.

"I'll come get her now! Thank you so much!" I squealed in joy then hung up.

"Good news?" Luke asked.

"Joe found Jayde! I'm so happy" I took a breath and hugged him.

We both put our coats on then I told Tyler to look after the kids while we go get her. I couldn't get out the door quick enough, knowing that she's safe has honestly took the weight off my shoulders




Once Joe opened the door I ran in to see her watching Joe's friend Oli play GTA, she was laughing at the commentary he was doing while eating some pizza from the box in front of them.

"Jayde?" I slowly said and walked over.

"Mum..." She sighed in a sad tone then ran over and hugged me.

"Why did you runaway like that? Have we done something?" I said after kneeling down to her height.

"No...But you said that we have no money because dad isn't performing or releasing anything so I didn't want to have you spend more money on me" She said close to tears.

I sighed twirled a small piece of her hair around my finger while sighing.

"No matter how much money we have...We will always find money to provide for all of you" I bit onto my lip.

But the truth is, we're completely poor. Each one of the boys had their banks cleared so all the money the tour manager spent for tour was re-payed. I've already sold a few of my things so we could get a little bit to buy shopping but I didn't get much.

"Sorry Uncle Joe..." She mumbled to him and he just shook his head.

"I've told you i'm always here for you, you're welcome anytime! But make sure you get a lift next time!" He said and raised his eyebrow at her.

We had a few cups of tea while having a few games of GTA each so Joe could put them on his gaming channel. They were all calling me a 'sore loser' every time I lost one of the mission.




"How much have you got for shopping?" I asked Luke as he rubbed his temples.

"About £5, you?" He asked with a sigh.

"The same...Look i'll get a job, i'll work over time...Its not fair that you do all the work and all I do is stay at home" I sighed and held onto his shoulders while his hands were on my hips.

"You do enough around here...We're having meetings in a few weeks about events but nothing is promising right now" He sighed.

"No...There's a job opening at the pub...Anything will do I guess" I sighed a picked my bag up.

Since the kids were all at school we both went together. I had my CV in my bag along with ID and all the needed things.

We walked there since it was a nice day and the pub wasn't that far away we both walked there holding hands.

Luke got stopped every-now-and-then for photos which was cute. The way he'd smile with them and how they'd hug. I'm so proud of him.

Soon as we walked in the pub I earned a few wolf whistles which made me gag.

I went straight to the bar and we had a small chat then they said I could start straight away. So Luke sat in the corner then a few minutes later the boys joined him while I got to work behind the bar and serving drinks at the tables.

Luke's POV

She was earning tips of all the customers and it was really disrespectful on how they were giving it to her. They were either putting it in the back pocket of her jeans or sliding it down her jeans completely. I could see she was resisting at punch all the pervy man that were calling out at her and touching her. I was as well, I wanted to put them all in there place but she would look over at me and give me a reassuring look which would make me calm down.

I never thought I'd see her work again, I remember when she was 17 and working in starbucks. The cliche job.

Soon as i'm working again she's is stopping.

But I can't help but think, this may be the end of my career.






i have school tomorrow :(

so how've ya been???



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