Chapter 83

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The next few days went by as a breeze, considering how busy it was with the whole camp getting ready to pack up and fix the final few tweaks to the Jupiter. After the other night when Will confessed to stealing magnesium, Y/N couldn't help but feel the tension between them, especially when Smith was there.

What made Y/N even more hesitant when it came to thinking back to the other night is that she felt that their trust had altered. Now, they have spent a good 2-3 years together and suddenly Y/N has to work privately when it comes to counting the magnesium because Smith threatened to tell the rest of the camp.

It certainly ticked her off when she couldn't come up with a better reason to let Will off the hook just so he could help fixing the engine go a little faster. However, Y/N was ashamed to feel Smith may have been a little right about this one.

Sighing, Y/N used her upper arm to wipe the sweat off her forehead as she prepared the rest of the day's fuel.

"Hey robot, can you get the green bag from the lab please," Y/N asked, clearing room on the table.

The robot's heavy thuds echoed on the floor as he went to retrieve the bag, leaving Y/N alone in the room.

The robot hadn't been his usual self ever since Penny, Will, and Y/N got back from their expedition. Here and then, you could see him wandering around as if he were lost or staring off into nowhere and blinking his lights like he couldn't believe his eyes.

Will tried to confront him about it, and then the robot started to hang out with him more , always on his right hand side even if he didn't need it.

Y/N tried to ignore the fact that she didn't like it. Even Smith could be seen having a good time with the robot while Y/N was stuck in the hot, messy engine room.

Listening for the robot's thuds above her, Y/N realized the robot bailed on the job and sighed as she went to go get the green bag herself.

She almost left, however, when she saw Smith and Will exchanging a few words outside, she was about to swerve and walk the other way.

"Y/N! Hi," Smith called walking over to her with Will trailing behind. "It's nice to see you're back at work again."

"Back? I was always here, Smith. Where's the magnesium?"

Will gestured to the side where the big green bag was leaning against a rock for Y/N to retrieve.

"Well, you were on that small three and a half day expedition. Rather a vacation if you ask me," Smith flashed a crooked smile. "Anyways, I noticed you came back one man short. Where's Judy?"

"She'll be back soon," Will said.

"With how many people? Huh? I know you guys are very particular about your math and how much air there is available on the Jupiter. Another adult might make some problems," Smith said.

"Why don't we worry about setting up the ship for departure first," Will sighed.

"Yeah. You can start with putting an end to those french classes. And maybe packing up your own stuff too," Y/N said, pointing over Smith's shoulder to see two girls putting her tent into a crate. "It's a distraction from things we really need to focus on."

"Alright. But you're the one here who really needs to finish you're packing. I heard you're still working on the engine," Smith crossed her arms.

"That's none of your concern," Y/N said, turning to the bag. "I have more important things to worry about, anyway-Ugh this is heavy."

Y/N groaned, staring to pick up the bag filled with magnesium while Will and Smith watched from behind, grunting as she tried to pull it from the side and the top before she found a comfortable way to hold it.

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