Chapter 20

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"You gonna say it?"
Y/N looked up at the robot.
"Okay, then. No danger."
Together, Will and Y/N turned the perimeter gates off and they stepped out. They started to walk towards the forest both of the, knew too well.
"Will! Y/N!"
"Will, it's Judy. I'm also thinking this wasn't a great idea now."
"It's okay."
"Hey! You can't be out here! Get back inside!"
"So we can wait around until you tell dad, no thanks," Will said.
Will and the robot kept on walking and both the robot and Y/N stopped. Will noticed.
"What's wrong?"
"Will, this isn't right. I was so dumb to do this."
"What? No, Y/N, please."
"We should listen to Judy and after that, tell her that the robot is good."
"I know her, she won't listen! Y/N, please!"
Will and Y/N turned to Judy who was panting heavily. "We've all been wondering what happened on the Resolute. Why we crashed here. And now the reason is standing right next to you, why doesn't that scare you?"
"Because he's changed," Will and Y/N said at the same time, different tones at the least.
"That's not good enough," Judy argued.
"How come you don't believe us?"
"Believing has nothing to do with this, it's about protecting you two."
"He's protecting us."
"And what if it changes again," Judy said.
Y/N stayed quiet, believing that this was a family matter. Will stayed quiet after Judy's question and grabbed Y/N's hand, and started to walk away.
"Will, stop."
Will stopped and looked at Y/N.
"I believe that the robot is innocent, but we need help. Help to do what we are doing right now. Judy is all ears. Right?"
Judy nodded.
"Well you didn't need help to fly the Jupiter here. You're smart and that's all we need," Will said.
"Don't people always say that people make mistakes sometimes."
Will looked into Y/N's eyes. "Yes?"
"I made a mistake not trusting you guys at first and because of that, me and Carter almost died."
"That's a mistake. You just said people make them all the time," Will said.
"And there is more. I made a mistake when I didn't listen to my parents. Before the attack, I was a bit more, uh, not cautious. I was very curious about something that I thought the staff of the Resolute weren't telling the truth about. My parents told me to leave it but I didn't, and right after school I snuck into the control room to look for anything supporting my opinion. I found something and I was horrified. I stole it so I could show my parents and right when I was walking back to my Jupiter, the attacks started. That was a big mistake and I lost my parents and Carter lost his too."
"B-but, you guys just weren't at the same place at the same time."
Y/N shook her head.
"They had to go to a meeting to see who stole the information, our parents work for the Security Department. Carter's parents were supposed to pick him up from school but they went to the meeting. It was my fault that he lost his parents too."
By this point, Y/N was already regretting everything she said and Will and Judy were staring. Will went to Y/N and gave her a hug.
"Y/N, it's okay."
Y/N just stared at the ground and slowly wrapped her arms around Will. It was a nice friendly hug and Y/N was very thankful for it.
"Thanks, that made me feel better. Please don't tell Carter."
"I promise. I won't."
Y/N gave a sad smile before both of them looked at Judy who was standing there with sincere eyes.
"So, um, there's a cave not to far from here. We were thinking about taking him there," Y/N said. She was still eager to save the robot.
Judy still looked unsure.
"Look Judy, we're not crazy. We know we'll have to tell dad soon. Please, help us."
Judy sighed and looked at the robot.
All of them jumped and saw Penny running their way.
"You guys realize we're on the wrong side of the fence? So whatever's going on her I think it's great," Penny smiled.
Will and Y/N walked off and the robot followed them.
"Or not."
Judy followed them and Penny stood there, dumbfounded.
"Hello? You're gonna tell me what's going on here, right?"
Penny jogged up and they just walked in silence to the cave.
"So do you believe him," Penny asked, thinking Y/N and Will couldn't hear.
"What, that's it's changed?"
"Yeah, I mean it's been pretty helpful so far."
"If it did something bad once, it could do it again."
"Okay then what are we doing?"
"We're helping our brother and his friend hide that thing. And then, I'm gonna tell dad exactly where it is."
Will and Y/N shared a worried look and continued walking.
"It's not like they're gonna not find a way out of this."
"Hey, come on your flagging have something to eat," Judy said to Penny.
She tossed Penny a rock to her, Penny thinking it was actually something to eat. She missed the com and her hands clapped before she could stop it. The noise echoed through the forest. Everyone watched as pink flowers bloomed around Penny.
"It's beautiful," Judy said.
She clapped and the flowers bloomed around her too.
"That's so cool," Will said. He bent down and clapped, flowers blooming around him and Y/N. They laughed and looked at the robot as he brought his hands together making a very loud BANG causing the whole flower field awake. All of them opened up, giving everyone a happy atmosphere before a terrific roar could be heard.
"What was that," Y/N asked.
"Danger, Y/N L/N, Will Robinson."
"At least he said that differently," Y/N said.
"Okay, we shouldn't be out here," Judy said, putting her hands on Y/N and Will's backs.
"Yeah, let's keep moving," Penny agreed.
They ran off the field and back onto the dirt path.
"I don't know, maybe we should turn back."
"Y/N, how much farther is the cave?"
"Okay," Y/N checked the map. "Less than a mile."
The snarling grew louder as they stopped.
They started to pick up the pace. "Run!"
They started running until a very deep ditch came, separating their path.
"Is there another way around?"
"Doesn't seem to be," Y/N said, checking the map.
"There no where to go," Judy said. "Where's the robot?"
There was a huge crackling noise and all of them turned to see him pushing down a huge tree, making their path to the other side.
"See, useful," Will said.
"There's no time for that," Y/N exclaimed.
"Go slow, careful."
Will went on first, then Y/N. The snarling became louder and the robot's lights turned red. The robot turned to the snarling and it stopped. He turned back to Will and Y/N and the lights turned back to blue. It raised his arms up and Y/N got it, and she smiled.
"Yeah," Will yelled, throwing his arms up, which almost made him lose his balance. Y/N acted fast and grabbed his arm giving him balance.
"Careful Will!"
The robot put his arms back down and watched Will and Y/N slowly cross the log.
"Keep your balance, come on!"

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