Chapter 48

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Y/N sighed as she watched John fail in his training over and over again.

"You're dead," Maureen repeated for the thousandth time.

Y/N gave Will and unsure look as he just shrugged and looked back at John.

"Dad, are you okay," Judy asked as she went to check on her dad.

"Yeah, I just, uh...I just need some more reps."

"No, you need yo stop," Judy argued.

"No, he needs to get it right," Maureen stepped in.

"As his doctor, I'm advising that he take a break. His heart is at serious risk if he continues like this," reasoned Judy.

"Hey. Hey, maybe we should all take a break."

"Yeah, okay. I'll get you some water."

Judy walked out of the room and everyone else helped John unstrap. He breathed heavily once Maureen had took off his helmet and he told Penny, Will and Y/N, "hey, why don't you guys get some air, huh?"

Will but on his lip before nodding and looking at Y/N and Penny. "Sure."

They started to walk out, Penny went in the opposite direction. Y/N followed Will since she had nothing else to do but she looked back when he stopped.

"Don't let her get to you," John's voice said from the control room.

"Who," Maureen asked.

"Smith. Whatever her name is."

Y/N widened her eyes and glanced at Will who was slowly turning back to look a5 his parents.

"Told you she was up to something," Y/N referred to Smith.

Will ignored Y/N and continued to listen before Judy's voice yelled from behind him. "Mom! I think you'd want to listen to this. Turn on the radio."

Everyone headed back and gathered around the bigger screen to listen to what The Resolute was broadcasting. Penny lifted to foil and leaned back as Radic spoke.

"Engineers have detected evidence of Hawking radiation, which indicates the presence of a gravitational singularity."

"The black hole," Maureen muttered.

"To protect the lives of those onboard," Radic continued on the radio. "We'll have to be forced to vacate the current orbit 24 hours from now. This decision was not made lightly."

Y/N's jaw dropped as Radic finished. 24 hours? They needed a lot of time, to train John and to get everyone back. They would leave everyone on the planet!

"No, no! That's not enough time," Maureen yelled.

Penny and Judy brought Will and Y/N into a small group hug as Maureen and John frantically argued about whether it was enough time or not. Will's hand reached for Y/N's when John said he'll be ready.

Y/N gave it a tight squeeze and a small reassuring smile that Will half-returned.

Maureen sighed and she walked away from everyone, her stomping footsteps echoing through the metal walls.

"Hey! Where are you going," John asked.

"To Jupiter 4. A lot of people have been doing unsupervised work there. I wanna check it, again."

Penny, Judy, Will and Y/N, who had finished the hug seconds ago, where looking at John in confusion.

"Um. Why don't you guys get your gear ready," John said. "We're gonna be back on the Resolute tomorrow. Together."

Will's eyes flickered to Y/N for a split second before looking and nodding back at his dad. Would she still hang out with him after she found her parents? Should they even get back?

Judy sniffled and looked away. She motioned for the others to catch up with her, leaving John alone in the room.


Will slowly walked down to the garage, looking for Smith. He saw some small movement in the closet so he walked up steadily and asked, "what did you tell my parents?"

"Will, is that you?"

He bent down so he could see Smith before turning away. "I'm not supposed to be talking you."

Smith sat criss cross and she sighed. "They don't. I don't want you to get caught up in this."

Will slowly started to walk towards the door, still bent down. He sat right in front of the door and looked through the vent on the bottom.

"In what," Will curiously asked.

"It's really not my place. It's just...some people think that kids aren't mature enough to handle the truth."

Will scoffed. "I think I know a few people who can change that. Huh. The truth about what?"

"The mission! Has your mother told you about how dangerous it is?"

"Yeah, she told us all about it," Will answered.

Smith sighed again and looked down. "Wow. You're such a strong kid. I mean...I don't think I could let my dad sacrifice himself."

Will stared at her.

"Even if it helped everyone off this planet," Smith continued.

"He's not sacrificing. He's gonna make it. He said he'll be fine."

Smith paused before she tried again. "I was about your age when my dad went into the hospital. And, I remember, everyone was there, and when I asked what was going on, they told me not to worry. They told me that he was going to be fine. Turns out everyone was just saying that...because they didn't want me to be sad. But when he hurt so much."

Will furrowed his brows in sadness. Even thinning about his dad dying brought him to tears. Or maybe it was just Smith's story. Considering the worst the could happen.

"Sometimes parents think they have to lie to protect their kids. But friends can be honest with each other."

Will became more and more worried with each and every passing word.

"And...there's a chance that the Jupiter will get to the Resolute, but the person piloting it won't survive."

Will leaned back in horror. "N-no no, but my mom-"

"Is a very intelligent woman. But she doesn't know everything. She doesn't know, there is someone else that can fly this Jupiter."

Will's eyes widened before he heard Y/N's voice calling for her. "Will, where are you?"

"I-I have to go!"

"Will, please, listen to me."

"I can't!"

Will got up and quickly ran out leaving a disappointed June Harris, her real name.

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