Chapter 9

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Y/N only took her weather reports with her. The Jupiter wasn't hers, she didn't have anything there.
Carter was with them too, he took his clothes and a picture, of him and his parents and a few of his comics.
When they went back, Maureen and John greeted Carter and asked him some questions like, have you found any other survivors? Were you with Will and Y/N when they met the robot or found the not-Jupiter-spaceship? This continued for a hour before he put his things in his room (Y/N and Carter offered to share for space).
"Okay, so it looks like we are going to have some tight space for a while. All of us have to make sacrifices for this."
Now John came to the front.
"We have a to do list for you guys. Since the robot made it possible for us to get down here, it can do whatever he wants."
"The robot is a 'he'," Will and Y/N said at the same time. Y/N added a 'sir' to the end of the sentence so she didn't sound rude.
"Okay, 'he' can do whatever he wants."
"Penny, you can do filters, Judy can do rechecks and help me with my leg later, Will can try to reconnect signals, John can look in the engine room."
Maureen then pulled out a medium sized white board from behind some boxes.
"I was hoping you would keep that on Earth."
"My lucky white board? No way."
"I will look for more survivors after Judy fixes up my leg."
Y/N saw that she was limping on her right leg.
"Actually, Judy, I want you to do that first."
Judy nodded and helped her mother to their infirmary.
"What can me and Carter do?"
John looked down at Y/N. "How about you help who ever needs help. And Carter, you can start on rechecking because Judy is with Maureen."
      Carter nodded and he went to the control room.
      Y/N wanted to help with something. She didn't really have anything to do.
     She came across a hissing sound and she looked up from the ground. It was the robot. He was gathering all the water that was left over. The robot stopped in front of Y/N and looked down at her.
     "Uh hi."
     "Y/N L/N."
     Y/N looked at his lights, as they were moving from here to there.
     "I really should teach you more than just a few of these words huh?"
     The robot just stared.
     Y/N smiled and said, "maybe after you're done here, you could go to the engine room. It must be a bit wet in there, ya know, being at the bottom of the Jupiter."
     Y/N moved aside, letting the robot go and finish the upper floors.
     She continued walking until the radio on the wall came on.
     "Hi Y/N, it's Will, can you do the emergency lights? I don't understand how to do it and I saw that it was broken."
      Y/N went to the radio and pressed the button, "sure thing."
     The emergency lights were in the garage and when she went there, the water was up to two feet.
     "Oh come on," Y/N said.
     She went in, walking through the water and closed the second bughead, making sure that the water didn't spread because the robot would be there soon.
     Y/N crossed the room and opened the small hatch on the lights.
     The wires were cut then frozen on top of all that.
     Great, that was wonderful. She tried to squeeze the ice so it wouldn't damage the wires and it worked,  but then the garage light came off.
      Once again, great.
     The radio on the other side of the room came on.
     "Hey Y/N, are you okay, the power in the garage went out," Carter asked. He could see what was happening because it showed breakages in the control room.
     Y/N walked in the water towards the radio and pressed the button.
     "Yeah, I'm okay. The wires were covered in ice and it up to two feet of water in here so you might want to send the robot here."
     "On it."
     She sighed and tried to look fo a flashlight which was pretty useless.
     She knew they was a box of emergency kits somewhere in the basement. It was a safety procedure.
     'I wonder where,' Y/N thought.
     She was walking back into the room before she tripped over something and fell into the water.
     Y/N immediately rose up, "ah flip."
      She was soaking wet so she wanted to puncture whatever she tripped over. The water was so cold!
     She reached her arm into the water and picked the box, which was.....the emergency kit!
      Y/N opened it and took out a flashlight, just to see how much the water had risen.
     She had to do this quick.
     She swam over to the wires and held the flashlight in her mouth.
     "The receiver wire goes here, energy one there, and the protractor right here, there we-"
      Y/N jumped back as there was a huge shock and the lights turned back on.
      "Yay! I did-"
     A mouth full of water entered Y/N's mouth and she spit it out, she could now see the water rising.
       "Oh no!"
      Y/N started to swim, going back to the door, but the water was now taller than her and soon, it would be up to the ceiling.
     She couldn't say it into the radio because she was holding her breath and she wouldn't be able to talk.
     She kept on swimming and she finally made in to the bughead.
     Y/N put in the button to open it but it was stuck! This room would soon turn into ice and she was almost out of breath. She started to kick on it, as hard as she could, she could hear something on the other side of the door, she was almost there!
     Y/N gave up doing that and she looked for the window, which wasn't there.
     It was like the word was against her. Right before she confirmed that that was true, a miracle caught her eye. She swam to that miracle and put in the reset code, opening the bug head, some of the water got pulled out and she got sucked through.
      Y/N fell on the ground taking in a huge breath, before coughing out some water.
     The flowing stopped and someone ran to her side.
     "Y/N! Are you okay? I never should have sent you down there!"
     Will was crouched down by Y/N and he was holding her shoulders.
     "I'm okay Will, thank you."
       Will unexpectedly engulfed her in a hug and said, "I'm so sorry."
     "It's fine, I fixed the lights and-"
     "That doesn't matter anymore!"
     Will went to the radio and pressed the button.
     "Judy, get here quick! Y/N's hurt!"
     "And bring the robot," Y/N added.
     "He needs to take care of the water!"
      "Y/N, sit down and rest, I'll get a blanket."
     "Will I can walk and get it myself."
     Will just glared at Y/N.
     "My friend almost died because of me! You know, at this point, we've gone though too many things together to only be friends. You are my only friend, my closest. Please let me help you," Will said.
     Will smiled and ran off, then Judy and Maureen came in.
      "Y/N! Are you okay," Maureen asked.
     Y/N nodded. "I'm good, where's the robot? The water might not be able to hold in."
     "He wouldn't listen to us," Judy said. "Now let's get you checked up."
     Judy put her hand on Y/N's back and they walked off.
     Will then came in with a blanket and the robot who immediately started to evaporate the water.
     "Where did Y/N go?"
"She went with Judy."
Will smiled, "Okay." And he ran off to the infirmary.
Maureen chuckled and smelt the air. She grimaced and went to the closest radio.
"Penny, are you done with the filters?"
"Well pick up the pace."
"But dad told me to do something else."
"Well I'd like to breathe."
Maureen took her finger off and sighed. The robot was done with the water and he was looking at Maureen.
"Uh, kids these days, am I right?"
The robot stared.
"Ok then."

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