Chapter 2

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There was a heavy pounding in Y/N's head. She carefully opened her eyes to meet with a giant pain, going out through her whole body.

She moved a bit and her arm felt wet. She was bleeding. Oh no! Y/N quickly covered her left arm with her right and gasped. If she had a cut that meant that it went through the gear, they hadn't tested the atmospheric humidity.

Y/N unbuckled from the seat and saw Carter, his helmet had a huge crack in it.


Y/N ran to him trying to cover her arm and his helmet. Then, a thought struck her head. They would have been dead by now. They were out for about 16 hours because of the crash. Y/N carefully took off her helmet, prepared to smash it back on. She held it to her side as she was revealed to fresh air. Y/N missed this.

She smiled and twirled around laughing merrily, before she remembered that Carter was still unconscious. Y/N saw him steer a little before she took off his helmet.

Like the dramatic boy he was, Carter sat up gasping for air.

"My helmet! Y/N are you crazy?"

Y/N shook her head, "breathe, there seems to be oxygen on this planet," Y/N stepped out, "and gravity."

Carter, still a bit shaken, gave a nervous laugh as he sat up from his seat and joined Y/N.


"Come on, we need to do a recheck, then we'll look for survivors. I hope our parents are here."

They took off their gear and went to the front.

"Any damage to the Jupiter," asked Y/N.

"There is one thruster, not to much, only one panel."

"That's fine."

Y/N walked to the radio, "this is Y/N L/N coming from Jupiter 13 with Carter Cosgrove."

There was static before beeping noises sounded. This was different.

"It's Morse code!"

Carter rushed to Y/N side then it went static and the radio shut off.

"Carter! There are survivors!"

They smiled and gave each other a high five.

"Let's go."

They grabbed rope, the radio, a pocket knife, and the status computer, put it in a bag then went out.

"Forgot the jackets," Y/N yelled while running back inside to grab them.

"Hurry up! It's so cold!"

Y/N threw the heavy coat on top of Carter's head, "you're welcome!"

Carter glared at Y/N playfully before slipping the coat on. They trudged through the snow before the ground shook, sending them tumbling down a hill.

Y/N stood up immediately and watched as red smoke emerged from a few miles.

She turned to Carter who was playing dead on the ground.        

   "Carter, get up your lazy butt!"

    "I don't wanna!"    

Y/N scoffed and kicked him.

"We need to go see if the others are okay! They could be seriously injured!"

Carter groaned, "That hurt."

"Hurt? What about the people who broke several bones and maybe, hopefully not, something worse?!"    
Carter got up brushed himself off, grabbed Y/N's hand and went off running to the crash site. The smoke was still visible over the snowcapped mountain.

     "I have the rope, find a rock."

The two started scanning he area before Carter found a big reasonable rock.

Y/N tied the rock to the rope and threw it over the hill they fell over. It came back rolling towards them. Y/N scoffed and took they rock in her hand. She threw it again, but it didn't make it.     

She looked at Carter who burst out laughing. Y/N just stood there watching as Carter clutched his stomach from laughter.       
   "You. Can't. Throw," he wheezed.

"It's harder than you think, if I can't do it, there's no way you can."

Carter snatched the rock from Y/N's hands.

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