Chapter 71

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There was a small rumbling and the lights went out making them forget about their argument.

"Bridge, we've lost power," Adler contacted the control room.

"That wasn't an accident," Maureen said smoothly from the other side.

Y/N gasped and looked at Will who she could tell had a worried expression on his face.

"Maureen, What are you doing on the bridge," Adler asked.

"Giving orders. It should be obvious by now that we're not leaving the solar system yet, so let's all take a step back, and let the kids and the robot go back to our Jupiter."

Adler and Hasting shifted their gaze to Y/N and Will making them feel queasy.

"No one's keeping the them here, or the robot. I thought we were all walking towards a common goal."

"But, it's not really all of us, is it," Maureen questioned. "We're still 500 short."

"So, Adler, you did know about this," Y/N resurfaced the topic.

Adler looked at Y/N and Will and put his arms up. "I was doing it for your protection."

The robot stepped forward and his lights turned red making the guards come forward.

"Settle down," Hastings ordered. "Relax."

"No," Will snapped. "We don't need protection. Let's go."

Will grabbed Y/N's hand and left the engine room with the robot right behind them.

~~~~~~~~~~Maureen and her mutiny, she's so badass~~~~~~~

The the robot was now in front of them making Y/N raise an eyebrow.

"When did he start walking in front of us," she asked Will.

"I don't know."

Will's grip on Y/N's hand loosened a little before he pulled his hand to his side.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just...the robot. He's changed so much. And I'll admit, I don't like some of the changes."

Y/N sighed and placed an arm around Will's shoulders. "Think of it this way, he's not as socially awkward as he was a year ago. On Alpha Centauri, maybe he'll make some friends."

Will chuckled and looked at the robot. "On Alpha Centauri, I want some peace."

Y/N laughed and took her arm off Will's shoulders. "With us, it probably won't happen."

Will shrugged and stopped walking when he heard Penny's voice behind him.

"Hey, slow down," she yelled running to them.

"Hi Penny," Y/N smiled.

Penny waved before hurriedly running in front of the robot. She put her arms around their robot's head as an attempt for a hug but the robot was too tall. "Oh...rugged look. I like it."

"Nice to see you too," Will said sarcastically seeing as Penny completely ignored him.

"I saw you two days ago."

"I fought SAR and almost died," Will threw his hands up.

"'re not dead," Y/N teased making Will throw her a glare.

"I flew through space in a storage container."

"Cool," Will shrugged.

"No," Penny deadpanned.

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