Chapter 26

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      Y/N had moved to working through the garage with Will, Judy and Penny. Carter was outside, helping the colonists around camp. They shuffled through the extra stuff while having an argument of how the tower will work and how much work it was.
      "It's actually a really interesting concept," Will said.
     "Yeah, and apparently on that requires lots of heavy weight lifting," Penny said as she placed a huge box on the floor. "Something that is related to R-O-B-O-T could come in handy for."
       "She's got a good point," Judy added.
       "No, the point is that we will apply more pressure to the colonists. They weren't here when the robot saved our butts a zillion times. We don't know how they'll react and we would most likely not want to risk that. We need to stay focused on the tower," Y/N said.
       "I agree. I'm pretty sure the robot is safe too. We'll get him back and introduce him when we are done. And you guys said I could wait for the right time," Will said.
      "I did but isn't this the one way road-"
       "To disaster," Y/N asked.
       "No, to showing everyone how useful he could be."
       Will and Y/N exchanged a look which was telling each other that they knew it wasn't a perfectly great idea. They just wanted what was best for the robot.
       "And that is why we should tell dad as soon as possible," Penny said.
       Y/N shrugged telling them that she was unsure of what to do. She took the box that Penny set out on the floor and held it in her arms.
       "We should do what's best for the colony, us, and the robot. He might do something bad."
      Penny and Judy ignored Y/N and went to Will, trying to convince him to bring the kids robot back.
     "...and to get through the five stages of anger, from furious to PO'ed..."
     "Okay, Fine! I'll do it."
      Y/N glanced at Will. She was a bit shocked. She looked down and then back at Will.
     "If you are going to do this, you should at least plan it out. Do you have a plan? Will you get help this time? Are you going to tell your parents the truth," Y/N questioned.
     "Right now, we need to know when."
     "When he's in a good mood. You can't wait that long," Will answered.
     "You're right. I'll help you guys."
      Will looked at Y/N questionably. "But I thought you didn't want to."
     "Will, you and your sisters and, well, your whole family has been very welcoming. I would do anything to you guys. And also, I'm your friend. I might not like the idea but I'm supposed o be supportive of you. It would have gotten me a long way."
     Will smiled and took Y/N's hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Thanks."
      "Well, we have a robot to catch. And apologies to make," Y/N joked.
      Judy and Penny smiled but Judy's soon dropped. "But, we cant wait that long."
      "Wait that long for what."
      Y/N yelped and tripped over Will's foot, grabbing whatever she could to stop her fall but the box wasn't supported and it dropped to the floor taking up Y/N with it. She immediately shot back up, embarrassed of the small show she put on.
      "Sorry, uh, you startled me," Y/N said sheepishly.
     John gave Y/N a thumbs up before going back to what he was doing in the garage. He went over to some boxes and looked for something. There was a silent eye conversation which was arguing in who should tell John. All eyes pointed towards Will as he nervously looked at his dad.
       "Huh," John asked.
      "To tell you that Will refuses to unload his insulation," Penny said. "He says it's too itchy."
      "Come on, That's not like you. Just wear some work gloves," John said.
       "Okay," Will said.
       Y/N could tell he was nervous so she gave a quick small squeeze to Will's hand and he smiled softly towards her. Once she was sure he was okay, Y/N nudged Will and he let go of her hand to get the work gloves. John was still confused so he said, "he's avoiding me, right?"
       Y/N shrugged and Penny looked around the room.
      "Maybe you should ask Will if you have questions about Will," Judy suggested.
     Judy walked out the garage.
     "Dad, you can talk to him, okay? yourself. But ya know maybe just be like, 20% nicer," Penny said sarcastically at the end.
      She walked out after Judy, Y/N following. She didn't really have much advice because, well, she just didn't.
Time Skip- 25 minutes later

     Will, Carter, and Y/N was working in the center room, trying to get different parts from broken, unused or unneeded things.
       "Hey Carter, can you hand me those tweezers?"
       Y/N was changing the wires matrix so that the light the were reflecting off could be solar powered and it could come out in a stronger way, especially when there were more of it.
      "Hey Y/N, can you give me a hand with this? I think I got the protractor mixed in these and they don't have colored wires here."
     Y/N smiled. "Here, I'll teach you. Colored wires are easier to extract or mess with so-," Y/N stopped talking when she saw Dr Smith walking into the room.
       "Need a hand?"
       "No, I think we're good over here. Maybe the other colonists need your help," Y/N said politely.
        "Nah, they can wait. Maybe I could just tag along over here."
      Y/N still had mixed feelings on Smith. She just seemed like she was up to something.
      "Hey Y/N, I'm going to help the others. I'll see you later," Carter said walking out.
      Y/N smiled and waved then went back to Smith. Smith just smiled and sat down.
      "Why don't you teach me some?"
      "Huh, well,  I would love to but I need to go and help someone."
      Y/N walked out of the Jupiter thinking about what happened back inside. Will soon caught up with Y/N and was now walking by her. Y/N stopped and looked at Will.
      "Okay now, I'm really suspicious of her. How does she not know how to do the transactions with solar engineering? That was easy! You only didn't know how to do it because I didn't open the panel for you."
        "What panel?"
        "I was going to show you but Dr Smith came. The panel was hidden and there are colored wires in there."
      "Oh. But maybe she just, doesn't know I guess."
       "What do you mean doesn't know? She is an adult and she doesn't know how to fly a Jupiter, do the transactions, I don't think she is who she says she is."
        Will tilted his head and looked at Y/N. "You have a very good 6th sense. You were right about many things before they even happened."
       Y/N snorted and said deja-vu in a spooky tone while wiggling her fingers.
       "I'll trust you on this one and if we find something that isn't supportive to what you think, we'll drop it, Okay," Will continued.
        Y/N smiled and gave Will a hug. "You're the best friend I could ever ask for. I told Carter about my thoughts and he just ignored it. We've been friends for a while now too. But now, I think I'll have hope with another," Y/N said as she unwrapped her arms from around Will.
       Will smiled and put his hand on Y/N's shoulder, "I'll always be there for you. I just think it's funny how easily we get along. It's awesome,we've only knew each other for a few weeks, or a month!"
        Y/N laughed but as soon as she stopped laughing she realized she was still hiding something. She looked at the sun that was shining over them and then back at Will.
       "What's wrong?"
      Y/N breathed deeply before saying, "I need to tell you something."


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